Disney World has some fantastic foods. I love and adore so really good things there. Some stuff I also just cant bring myself to pay for so it goes untasted. I have found a way around that though. I am going to try and make a cook book of all the recipes in disney world that I like. It will be deliciously available when I decide that I want to cook something but dont want to pay out the nose for it. Also when I am away from Disney World I will be able to say HAHA lets have 50's Prime Time Fried Chicken and Milk Shakes! Stuff like that. So now comes the task, which I will have time for once I go back to jacksonville for 5 months, to collect all the menus from all the restaurants and start selecting recipes that sound delicious!
OHH! I should also tell you guys that I got seasonal status with Disney! I am very excited because then if I dont get the College Program like I am hoping I still have a job here when I come back in May. My plan is to pick up a shift sometime before then so that when I come into town I will be able to come into the parks and play with Bryant without much of a hassle. EKK! There is one thing I should tell you guys. If you want seasonal status you have to be a pain in the butt to your managers. It is not as easy as hey can I go seasonal, in most areas you need to have a manager who will email all the managers , so find you College Program Manager, and then all your managers will say oh yea (s)he was an good cast member or blah blah blah. then they need to look at your record card and see if you meet transfer guidelines and then you can become seasonal. Anyways there are guidelines and I am sure you all will recieve a post about what that consist of in the near future. But for now I start my list of yummy recipes that sound good.
Last Two weeks of Program
There are many things in this post that I could write about. Today was the last day I will have the opertunity to go to a disney park because I have a busy work schedule this week and next (Work). I might not be extending but I have a few different things planned that will hopefully potentially work (Seasonal) (Another CP). I also have a post that might not be helpful unless you are accepted into the program but hey why not include that stuff in here too (picking up shifts). You never know it could be helpful for those who work for the company in general.
Work: When you get your work location dont make any judgements on it that you have made about the area as a guest. It can be a whole new ball game once you work there. I love my work location. Not because I have any interest as to what we sell but because I love the cast. They are so much fun and really do make the area so much fun. Other areas look like lots of fun as a guest but It is not the case when you work there. Normally I get about 35-40 hours a week. That is of course when I dont give shifts away. This week i have 41 to start with (My goal is to end with 50). and next week I started out with 45 but picked up two shifts and am keeping a very very close eye on the HUB to see if more pop up. I have now have 58.5 but when looking at new years eve I want more like 16 for the day instead of 9.5. Anyways I am really honestly trying to burn myself out before I got back to jacksonville and sit around daydreaming of Bryant's day and waiting for the letters from my love.
Picking up shifts: Its fairly easy. You go to your work schedule to make sure you know hours you will not go into double time. What is double Time? Double Time is another over 16 hours in a day and a shift that starts or ends with-in 8 hours of your the day before or after that shift. You go to the extra hours area and start looking. Now I only pick up shifts in my area because I dont pick up shifts on my days off. Some weeks it is really hard to find shifts other weeks it is beyond easy. The other thing about picking up shifts is if you are taking a shift from someone then you cant go into overtime. Overtime is another above 40 hours as well as another over 8 hours in a day. Which is really hard to do sometimes. Anyways. You'll get the process down after awhile. Some people dont get it at all but I just smile and keep moving along.
Seasonal: As a CP going seasonal is fairly simple. If you have the requirements to do such. The only thing is that some roles dont have a seasonal status so that kind of stinks but a lot of the roles allow you to go seasonal. I have talked to my managers and they said it would be no problem for me to go seasonal. Which to be honest is really nice because I would love to have an easier transition into the company again. There is a new policy that as seasonal you have to work 150 hours to maintain seasonal status so in theory 25 - 6 hour days. So my suggestion is to honestly thing if you have the time to come down and work 150 hours. The reason I will be doing it is because 1. Jacksonville is only 2 hours away. and 2. I am coming back to orlando in may- hands down so I will be in the neighborhood enough for it.
Another College Program: I would love to be statused somewhere but it requires alot of waiting and I would like to be able to try different things out in the company that are a little more focused on things I like to do. I would love to work in Concierge or BBB. Its like this. I want to own my own daycare someday and Concierge is helping people with plans and situations and making the services better for them. BBB, I would be working with kids which, I am an Early Childhood Education Major. Photopass is another one of those roles I would love to be considered for. I have been taking pictures all my life so its just one of those things that I dont know if it will ruin my love for it. But I will still try. The only thing about this next program is I will not be staying in Housing. I will be staying off property. Bryant will have lived in housing for a full year and it doesnt make sense monetarily for us to not to live together.
I hope this fills in some blanks and answers some questions. I of course will keep thing blog up once I go back to jacksonville.. Because I will be starting the process again.
Work: When you get your work location dont make any judgements on it that you have made about the area as a guest. It can be a whole new ball game once you work there. I love my work location. Not because I have any interest as to what we sell but because I love the cast. They are so much fun and really do make the area so much fun. Other areas look like lots of fun as a guest but It is not the case when you work there. Normally I get about 35-40 hours a week. That is of course when I dont give shifts away. This week i have 41 to start with (My goal is to end with 50). and next week I started out with 45 but picked up two shifts and am keeping a very very close eye on the HUB to see if more pop up. I have now have 58.5 but when looking at new years eve I want more like 16 for the day instead of 9.5. Anyways I am really honestly trying to burn myself out before I got back to jacksonville and sit around daydreaming of Bryant's day and waiting for the letters from my love.
Picking up shifts: Its fairly easy. You go to your work schedule to make sure you know hours you will not go into double time. What is double Time? Double Time is another over 16 hours in a day and a shift that starts or ends with-in 8 hours of your the day before or after that shift. You go to the extra hours area and start looking. Now I only pick up shifts in my area because I dont pick up shifts on my days off. Some weeks it is really hard to find shifts other weeks it is beyond easy. The other thing about picking up shifts is if you are taking a shift from someone then you cant go into overtime. Overtime is another above 40 hours as well as another over 8 hours in a day. Which is really hard to do sometimes. Anyways. You'll get the process down after awhile. Some people dont get it at all but I just smile and keep moving along.
Seasonal: As a CP going seasonal is fairly simple. If you have the requirements to do such. The only thing is that some roles dont have a seasonal status so that kind of stinks but a lot of the roles allow you to go seasonal. I have talked to my managers and they said it would be no problem for me to go seasonal. Which to be honest is really nice because I would love to have an easier transition into the company again. There is a new policy that as seasonal you have to work 150 hours to maintain seasonal status so in theory 25 - 6 hour days. So my suggestion is to honestly thing if you have the time to come down and work 150 hours. The reason I will be doing it is because 1. Jacksonville is only 2 hours away. and 2. I am coming back to orlando in may- hands down so I will be in the neighborhood enough for it.
Another College Program: I would love to be statused somewhere but it requires alot of waiting and I would like to be able to try different things out in the company that are a little more focused on things I like to do. I would love to work in Concierge or BBB. Its like this. I want to own my own daycare someday and Concierge is helping people with plans and situations and making the services better for them. BBB, I would be working with kids which, I am an Early Childhood Education Major. Photopass is another one of those roles I would love to be considered for. I have been taking pictures all my life so its just one of those things that I dont know if it will ruin my love for it. But I will still try. The only thing about this next program is I will not be staying in Housing. I will be staying off property. Bryant will have lived in housing for a full year and it doesnt make sense monetarily for us to not to live together.
I hope this fills in some blanks and answers some questions. I of course will keep thing blog up once I go back to jacksonville.. Because I will be starting the process again.
Disney movie Club & Holiday Discounts.
So as a cast member we recieve these holiday packages and cards. I swear the cards are all for show because they also give you this book of coupons and you need that more than i have ever seen anyone use the card. Anyways. This is fantastic because it allows you to eat at restuarants that are delicious! so anywho... Holiday Discount. We get 40% off merchandise this year. Which is lovely in its own ways but this doesnt include "Media" Everyone forgets about this no media thing so when guest want their 20% as premium pass holders and cast members want their 40% it turns into this whole things.. Dont get me started on annoying lady! anyways. This is why I suggest to guest who have young children or grandchildren and they want to share the joy of disney with them to look at disney movie club and see if it is worth while. Anyways. I am a member and I just ordered 5 or 6 movies for only a 100 or so dollars.
so the plan.
This is a summary of how crazy my life will be.
December 5th-ish : Bryant's family is coming into town and we are suppose to go with them to the Christmas Party
Next Free Day off that isnt a weekend: I am going to casting to put in for Part time or Full Time at BBB starting in May.
December mid: My mom is coming down and we are going to see candlelight. I am also packing up a bunch of stuff so that my mom can take it back to Jacksonville with her.
January 3rd: I will be going back to jacksonville and starting 5 classes online including retaking this trig class that was WAY harder than I thought and didnt have the time to even consider.
Mid- January: Applying for another College Program in BBB, Photopass, or Character. Also I am going to Visit my Aunt.v
Beginning of February: Getting my Car
End of February going to Character auditions for Part Time or Full Time
Early March-ish: Going to College Program Auditions.
Early April I will have hopefully have some sort of answer toward one of these things and things will fall into place. If they dont I will still be seasonal, Hopefully in Backlands. But in any case my mom's lease in up in April so she will be moving to Orlando.
This is the next few months. I will not be living in Disney Housing because Bryant will have lived in Disney Housing for a year and will no longer be able to stay. and the whole reason that I will be potentially doing another CP is to guarentee some steady paycheck.
Plan wise it feels exhausting but really even if i accept the CP then they give me a full time or part time position i will be okay because the company doesnt look down on you for taking another offer within the company. DEEP INHALE! I feel like this might actually work out. Here is to fingers crossed.
December 5th-ish : Bryant's family is coming into town and we are suppose to go with them to the Christmas Party
Next Free Day off that isnt a weekend: I am going to casting to put in for Part time or Full Time at BBB starting in May.
December mid: My mom is coming down and we are going to see candlelight. I am also packing up a bunch of stuff so that my mom can take it back to Jacksonville with her.
January 3rd: I will be going back to jacksonville and starting 5 classes online including retaking this trig class that was WAY harder than I thought and didnt have the time to even consider.
Mid- January: Applying for another College Program in BBB, Photopass, or Character. Also I am going to Visit my Aunt.v
Beginning of February: Getting my Car
End of February going to Character auditions for Part Time or Full Time
Early March-ish: Going to College Program Auditions.
Early April I will have hopefully have some sort of answer toward one of these things and things will fall into place. If they dont I will still be seasonal, Hopefully in Backlands. But in any case my mom's lease in up in April so she will be moving to Orlando.
This is the next few months. I will not be living in Disney Housing because Bryant will have lived in Disney Housing for a year and will no longer be able to stay. and the whole reason that I will be potentially doing another CP is to guarentee some steady paycheck.
Plan wise it feels exhausting but really even if i accept the CP then they give me a full time or part time position i will be okay because the company doesnt look down on you for taking another offer within the company. DEEP INHALE! I feel like this might actually work out. Here is to fingers crossed.
Entertainment Auditions.
Entertainment auditions have come and gone and I am not surprised by the outcome what so ever. Bryant was pulled to stay which I expected and even though they didnt pull me I wasnt surprised they pulled him. They are not in need of my height range they are in need of his. 64.5 and 66.25 is a huge difference in this company and the fact that bryant is a male helps him out a whole bunch. Anyways. I am very proud of Bryant and I just plan on keeping trying. Until it just doesnt seem worth it. I will probably go to a less energized entertainment audition. (CP auditions are FILLED with energy) and try then. I get mixed messages about something I heard so I am going to casting probably on Tuesday to get my answer. Which might make deciding what I am going to do much easier. OH i guess i should say this. Bryant told the entertainment casting people that he would go any status so he could be a CP or he could not, its really all in limbo at this point in time.
I realised as I was going through I havent shown pictures in quite a while. So this is what that is... Most are of Bryant and Myself because Its so hard to get pictures of the two of us.
we decided to do food and wine. (not whine)
we finished our passports and thought of a great party idea.
Epcot with my love.
Bryant was turned into a frog ;) This was taken 10/01/11 magic kingdom's 40th celebration.
Bryant and Myself with Minnie and Mickey
Rylan and Jessica
Two things I seem to enjoy beyond explaination. Magic Kingdom and Ice Cream.
Bobby and Kelsey whom I work with an adore.
My Birthday pictures. under the train station <3
Bryant and Myself on my birthday.
we got a whole bunch of pictures that make me happy.
Bryant, Jess, Me, Emily, Nick
Patrick, Nick, Me, Bryant
I love my fellow cast members.
Ive disappeared but i knew this would happen from time to time. So lately...
Extentions: its that time of year where people have made up there mind. They either love it or it is definatly not what they expected. The other part you have to consider is do you love working foot disney but hate living in housing. For me i love working for disney but i dont like the work that it takes to live in housing. So the hopes are this... Extend my college program but not live in housing. Its the best option that allows me to not lose my mind completely. I dont know anything about extentions except for you can start applying for it on the 29th of october.. You only have a week to apply for one so it is very quick and if you miss it you miss it.
Entertainment auditions: they are this thursday. The sign in starts at 8am.. And i have a feeling there are going to be a ton of people going. I am going because i think its be fun to see how i do. I hate auditions and what not but 13 years of dance taught me if nothing else to smile. So anyways this is the kicker to entertainment auditions. You might pass the audition but not get your extention in entertainment. So they suggest that you put entertainment as your number 1 and then your other two options. Just dont make the mistake of putting entertainment as your number one if you know you didnt pass the audition.
Anyways thats been going on. No i have gone to a halloween party. And i may not. It would be tons of fun but i have so much school work that i am just surviving the whole process. I love work and i love school and its completely possible to maintain it all if you choose but i also choose to pick up hours when i says ill do school work. Tonight if i get moneyroom ill probably have to pass because i need to do a mathtest unless they just want me to process paperwork which i can do without any problem. And still be out by 845/900.
I think i found an apartment for this january which is furnished and right near property. I have to call my aunt and ask her about the gift she has given me. And start looking for a car. I am very picky and nervous when it comes to doing things im not sure about but i also get very excited. So this could be interesting. Ill probably let you know how entertainment auditions go but then again its two days away and it will be a long day.
Extentions: its that time of year where people have made up there mind. They either love it or it is definatly not what they expected. The other part you have to consider is do you love working foot disney but hate living in housing. For me i love working for disney but i dont like the work that it takes to live in housing. So the hopes are this... Extend my college program but not live in housing. Its the best option that allows me to not lose my mind completely. I dont know anything about extentions except for you can start applying for it on the 29th of october.. You only have a week to apply for one so it is very quick and if you miss it you miss it.
Entertainment auditions: they are this thursday. The sign in starts at 8am.. And i have a feeling there are going to be a ton of people going. I am going because i think its be fun to see how i do. I hate auditions and what not but 13 years of dance taught me if nothing else to smile. So anyways this is the kicker to entertainment auditions. You might pass the audition but not get your extention in entertainment. So they suggest that you put entertainment as your number 1 and then your other two options. Just dont make the mistake of putting entertainment as your number one if you know you didnt pass the audition.
Anyways thats been going on. No i have gone to a halloween party. And i may not. It would be tons of fun but i have so much school work that i am just surviving the whole process. I love work and i love school and its completely possible to maintain it all if you choose but i also choose to pick up hours when i says ill do school work. Tonight if i get moneyroom ill probably have to pass because i need to do a mathtest unless they just want me to process paperwork which i can do without any problem. And still be out by 845/900.
I think i found an apartment for this january which is furnished and right near property. I have to call my aunt and ask her about the gift she has given me. And start looking for a car. I am very picky and nervous when it comes to doing things im not sure about but i also get very excited. So this could be interesting. Ill probably let you know how entertainment auditions go but then again its two days away and it will be a long day.
Work: Break Down.
I guess I should probably out of all of these post tell you a little bit about my work location, if I havent done that already. I work in Merchandise. This is a very common role you might get when you go done to do the CP. But every work location is a little bit different in how the managers like to run things as well as how late you might be open. I know this probably sounds a little crazy because it's disney and every work location should work the same, but it doesnt. Anyways. I work in what is called the Backlands in Hollywood Studios. Its funny because when Im working its like oh yea no problem I can run that to the front of the park and back no problem. But when Im a guest in the parks its like you have just asked me to run a full marathon, it is so far back there. I love it though. I work with AMAZING people who honestly make me laugh 95% of the time even on a bad day. So from what I hear other work locations will actually give you a stock shift where you spend the entire shift just stocking the floor, or a register shift where you spend the whole shift ringing people out. Backlands doesnt do this. We mix things up and sometimes it can be the worlds scarest thing if there is an inkling of a chance you might get Build Your Own Lightsaber or have to go out to a cart that is HECKA HOT! but it is still amazing. The managers are so nice and I just love going to work.
This is where the question of: SOOO then why did you just have a 5 day weekend.? Well I was super super sick on Friday. I had worn myself completely out going to work sick the whole week and then I had given away my sunday shift so i could spend it with Bryant and then I had Saturday off for the 40th and my regular two days off Monday tuesday. So basically I became super lucky and just had everything fall in line.
I honestly do love work because everything is sort of up in the air all the time. If you get merchandise you should see if your area will let you go into count. Its a nice break from the day and I love all of the night shifts I get because of it. My night shifts are not like Magic Kingdom night shifts though, or even World of Disney night shifts so maybe that is why I love it. When we close at 10 I am out at the Latest lastest lastest 12. and I normally dont start until like 2ish. Today for example I am in at 15:15 or 3:15 and I am suppose to get out at 9:30 (which means I am closing) but instead after checking the HUB this morning I am actually being pulled to count.
It all sort of depends on your work location, if you decide you want to count. I know in Studios we are the first area to close but we are also the last area to open. But then again we are 40% of the park so i guess maybe it is all relative.
This is where the question of: SOOO then why did you just have a 5 day weekend.? Well I was super super sick on Friday. I had worn myself completely out going to work sick the whole week and then I had given away my sunday shift so i could spend it with Bryant and then I had Saturday off for the 40th and my regular two days off Monday tuesday. So basically I became super lucky and just had everything fall in line.
I honestly do love work because everything is sort of up in the air all the time. If you get merchandise you should see if your area will let you go into count. Its a nice break from the day and I love all of the night shifts I get because of it. My night shifts are not like Magic Kingdom night shifts though, or even World of Disney night shifts so maybe that is why I love it. When we close at 10 I am out at the Latest lastest lastest 12. and I normally dont start until like 2ish. Today for example I am in at 15:15 or 3:15 and I am suppose to get out at 9:30 (which means I am closing) but instead after checking the HUB this morning I am actually being pulled to count.
It all sort of depends on your work location, if you decide you want to count. I know in Studios we are the first area to close but we are also the last area to open. But then again we are 40% of the park so i guess maybe it is all relative.
Different Type of Week
Its been really interesting here lately. I haven't been feeling to great physically and there are times where you feel incredibly alone. This has been one of those types of times. Im not surprised it is October and the weather is starting to change. I cant really describe it but there is a lust for real Fall not just Disney Magic Fall.
Anyways the whole point to this post is I am very annoyed with life in general at the moment. I feel this desire to run away and hide. It was so bad that the one thing that cheers me up normally, work, I just had 5 days off to not think about it. Granted one day was because I was super ober sick and the other day I just gave away but still its like there isnt really a point to the whole thing right now.
I love working. I think mostly because it keeps my mind off of how different my life has been prior to this program compared to a lot of the people around me. SIGH! anyways. Next week I think Bryant and I are going to see if anyone else wants to go to the beach but I can tell that Bryant really wants to go and I dont really care what we do anymore.
Ill leave you with pictures. Yesterday Bryant and I went to Magic Kingdom where we were hanging out on Main Street. It was not the best of days for me so after crying a little from 800 emotions I had been feeling Bryant and I decided Checkers would be the best thing to do to take my mind off of things. (it wasnt actually but it was sweet of him to try) and so while we are playing the photopass photographer starts clicking away. This is my favorite shot out of the 8 she got.
Also I have been looking at DSLR cameras because I have changed what I want my major to be and so I need a DSLR camera. Any Suggestions?
Anyways the whole point to this post is I am very annoyed with life in general at the moment. I feel this desire to run away and hide. It was so bad that the one thing that cheers me up normally, work, I just had 5 days off to not think about it. Granted one day was because I was super ober sick and the other day I just gave away but still its like there isnt really a point to the whole thing right now.
I love working. I think mostly because it keeps my mind off of how different my life has been prior to this program compared to a lot of the people around me. SIGH! anyways. Next week I think Bryant and I are going to see if anyone else wants to go to the beach but I can tell that Bryant really wants to go and I dont really care what we do anymore.
Ill leave you with pictures. Yesterday Bryant and I went to Magic Kingdom where we were hanging out on Main Street. It was not the best of days for me so after crying a little from 800 emotions I had been feeling Bryant and I decided Checkers would be the best thing to do to take my mind off of things. (it wasnt actually but it was sweet of him to try) and so while we are playing the photopass photographer starts clicking away. This is my favorite shot out of the 8 she got.
Also I have been looking at DSLR cameras because I have changed what I want my major to be and so I need a DSLR camera. Any Suggestions?
Down Main Street
Two Days ago I had a random day off. It was fine with me i needed to get school work done and I was glad to have the time to relax. I went to typhoon to relax on the lazy river when i had finished all my work and that was lovely. I didnt like to see Bryant in so much pain over at the storm slides but he and I are about equally as stubborn so i cant be surprised. Anyways after I was done playing I decided to take up Jessica's offer and meet her at Magic Kingdom. My wonderful glorious Magic Kingdom that always smacks a pound of pixie dust on me when I go through the turn styles. First off the Photopass people love to take pictures of me having a blast. I have about 58 cards that i have only recieved because Photopass people have been taking pictures of we walking down the street or dancing like a foul or watching the dapper dans with delight. I got 5 more of those this day. But somewhere along the line Jess Rylan and I start playing a game where only on of our feet must be in a block along the trolley track. This is very hard when your not skipping but main street was cleared so we had an audience but more importantly we have a clear main street which is very important in this activity! There was lots of other magical stuff that occured but that is all i have for now. if i cant make it work out the movie from big thunder is also here. Ps. there will be no sound and it may look like it was taken during 1971... i like it that way!
Half Way there
I was half way done by college program on September 9th but unfortunatly I was not even in Orlando. Its not a huge deal because I was participating in some other AMAZING activities. I went home for 4 days to Philadelphia. Which I was super excited for an make me crave a whole other pile of plans. You have to understand up until 5 years ago my town use to still deliver the paper to your front door and the milk man.... yea the MILK MAN would leave a glass container of milk at your door. You had to call the local grocery store to set it up but it was so homey. SIGH! I am such a 1950's house wife at heart it hurts. Anyways my other favorite thing to do is travel by airplane or train. I got to do both! oh boy the enthusiasm is killing me. Especially since my home town also has kept the beautiful train depots still intact so they are all stone and UGH! i love it. But if you keep up with any other blogs you know i missed the cast preview of the Boo-to-you Halloween parade. I actually not that disappointed because I would rather have been doing what i was doing that afternoon before which was sitting on the front porch in a white rocking chair with a beautiful breeze sipping on my peppermint hot chocolate reading a book with no humidity and neighbors jogging by saying "HELLO!" and offering them a glass of water. SIGH! You might here bad things about Philadelphia but im telling you there is a factor of lovely hometown feelings right out side of there.
So i have been super busy. Ive been going to work and I havent been to a disney park in the last month except to go to work. Its weird to think that but i have been really busy making sure a number of other pieces in my life were normal. SO my normal days off are Monday Tuesday. I went to the beach 3 weeks ago. Then the week after that Bryant and I went around the resorts. I have pictures for you :). Then this past monday I went to the beach.
Beach trips here in Orlando consist of, when Nick, Evan, Bryant & Myself get into a car. Typically Evan's Truck and go to the gas station. Get Gas and Snacks and Drinks. Then we run go to the beach. This beach is typically Cocoa Beach. Last week we stopped at the Ron Jon surf shop. its just super fun. Tuesdays. I usually work on stuff that I need to get done for school and paper work and a whole bunch of stuff honestly. I have been working like crazy to make sure everything happens. So anyways you dont want to hear the blah blah's of my stress.
Pictures are here:
Beach trips here in Orlando consist of, when Nick, Evan, Bryant & Myself get into a car. Typically Evan's Truck and go to the gas station. Get Gas and Snacks and Drinks. Then we run go to the beach. This beach is typically Cocoa Beach. Last week we stopped at the Ron Jon surf shop. its just super fun. Tuesdays. I usually work on stuff that I need to get done for school and paper work and a whole bunch of stuff honestly. I have been working like crazy to make sure everything happens. So anyways you dont want to hear the blah blah's of my stress.
Pictures are here:
This is from Bryant and my adventures through The Port Orleans Resorts as well as All Star Sports Resort.
I have pictures from the beach but i cant find the files at this moment. so maybe after another beach trip ill be able to show you.
I went to Magic Kingdom...
I went to magic kingdom on my own the other day. I needed some time alone and i was hoping to see wishes with bryant when he got off work... i only made it like 3 hours on my own in magic kingdom before i felt like i was going to die from the heat and sweat. so ill show you the pictures i took in magic kingdom while i was wondering around main street. I got some good ones LET ME JUST SAY! some are sort of repeats but yea. this was my hour or two at magic kingdom. :)
I had my first overtime shift Ever. I know that seems strange but Epcot costuming rarely provided overtime opertunities. Other costuming locations did but i never went to those parks. So today I went into work at 10:00. My shift started at 11:00 but i was there at 10:00. I was nervous when it looked very very scarce cast member wise and i had already decided i wasnt going to put in for the extention but if they wanted me to work i would work. So then about an hour into my shift my manager Robert, who seems very nice, asked if i might be able to say since there were so many call in's and i asked how late he would need me because i was really only interested in extending so late. He was like well is 10 to late and I was just like no 10 is perfectly fine. So i extended until 10. That made my shift a total of 11 hours but with the half hour of lunch i get it really make it 10.5. so in any case i made 2.5 hours of overtime. That is really really exciting considering that i got gypted hours because of random things like my training being screwed up and what not. so now its like it got paid to work hours i didnt work normally. its exciting i must say. :)
Star Wars Weekend
So I have no idea if you are into star wars. I am just a tag along when it comes to knowing about star wars. I know very little and the things i do know are things i picked up from friends over the years who would probably cry if giving the chance to meet George Lucas. So May 20 - June 12 on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays you can go to star wars weekends and do your everyday basic things you would do in studios but there is more involved in the event that that. Obviously with the new revamp of Star Tours it is very very busy there and therefore the store is very very busy. There is special merchandise that disney only puts out of the weekends but more than that people get very excited because the number of limited edition disney and star wars things shoots through the roof. Its so busy with people looking for star wars merchandise that Disney has set up an extra tent. People are walking around dressed up and there is an extra parade that is just star wars. Its pretty crazy. I have to get ready for work at the muppets shop and a fun filled weekend with star wars fans at work.
Work Locations
I dont remember what i had told you and what i have not told you so we are going to be starting from the beginning.
I work here.
if i had to choose a park to hang in all day as a guest it would probably be this one just because there is so much to do that is just simple and doesnt require waiting in long long lines. The food is delicious and its just over all a really wonderful park. So that is where i work.
My area is Backlands Merchandise. The area is laid out like so.
Near By :Merch Locations
Indian Jones Attraction: Cart and Truck
American Idol Attraction: Outdoor store
Star Tours: Tattoine Traders
Muppets 3-D: Stage One, Pizza Planet Cart, Christmas Shop
Lights, Motors, Action: Lights, Motors, Action Cart & Youse Guys outdoor store
Backlot Tour: American Film Institute Store, AFI Cart, Prop Shop
Sci Fi Dine-in : Writers Stop
There are a few more locations but i honestly have blanked on what they are.
It is a very large area and although i am still in training i see myself liking it quite a bit. Umm... i think i like the star tours shop and muppets the best but thats also where i have spent quite a bit of time.
I dont really know what else to say. Ill probably take pictures of my area as time goes on.
We have internet
I know i have been slacking on your guys lately.
Things have been crazy around here.
They have also been amazing.
I have been going crazy with work and training
but it in the end i have been having a FANTASTIC TIME.
I have had the last three days off
so i have enjoyed being able to just go out
and enjoy myself without the "Stresses of work"
Work I am liking a little more every day.
You do a of computer work when you first get here
and with the late nights that happen it is not that uncommon
for you to want to fall asleep during those times.
My work location is 40% of Hollywood Studios.
The area is called backlands and it consist of about 16 locations.
These locations include carts they include stores.
They include food and they also have ride dumps.
If you looking for all areas of merchandise this area has what you need.
I didnt know how i felt about doing food.
But its basically a coffee shop.
Its got AC and its is fairly easy.
CP's get alot of late hours but my managers seem extremely sweet.
I was half tempted to give two of them hugs the other night
but i feel like that would be creepy.
I am interesting in getting GT trained.
GT = general teller = money room
it seems like it would be a blast.
The people i am working with are pretty funny.
and compared to most people in the CP i get a ton of interaction.
Lets just say with the guest interaction this CP is a step up!
Bryant passed his lifeguarding exam which makes me extremely happy.
He is going to be deep water at Typhoon Lagoon.
it makes me nervous because typhoon has dozen of saves a week.
I think he will do fairly well with the whole things.
Fingers crossed.
I have pictures of a little photosession that bryant and i had in magic kingdom the other day. so here is one of those pictures and also a picture of me giving buzz lightyear a kiss and then a picture of bryant and i "discovering" the hat at hollywood studios. and the the group picture when buzz and woody pictures with me and my friends
No Internet
This is going to be a quick update because Bryant is in the shower and i am using the internet in his apartment. I have no internet apparently we will be getting internet soon. I hope this does happen. I dont know but this is the quick update. I have in the backlands of Studios which is basically a ton of places. I will have a picture of the whole area once I have internet to update. Anyways. Um I think im going to like it. There is a lot of change and the whole role is very different than costuming. Today my shift was 10-18:30. That is one thing you have to get use to here in Disney is the military time. Um tomorrow i have work 7:00-11:30 in the writer's shop. Its this cute little coffee shop. The im going to go to the magic kingdom and write bryant a letter since i think it is probably about time. But that will be after i go to costuming. So anyways lets do a breakdown of the last few days....
May 15th - Drove into Orlando
May 16th- Went to Downtown Disney with D-Fam and then went swimming at the Grand Floridian and watched Wishes at the Polynesian
May 17th- Beaches and Cream and Dinner at ESPN
May 18th - Check in
May 19th - Out and about
May 20th - Magic Kingdom & Blizzard Beach & Studios instead of Traditions because i was by-passed
This is where things get a little scattered so i am just going to say that once i get internet ill update you guys a little better. I have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off so i am definatly going to be working on getting shoes for work but then also going and working on bryants gift a little. :)
May 15th - Drove into Orlando
May 16th- Went to Downtown Disney with D-Fam and then went swimming at the Grand Floridian and watched Wishes at the Polynesian
May 17th- Beaches and Cream and Dinner at ESPN
May 18th - Check in
May 19th - Out and about
May 20th - Magic Kingdom & Blizzard Beach & Studios instead of Traditions because i was by-passed
This is where things get a little scattered so i am just going to say that once i get internet ill update you guys a little better. I have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off so i am definatly going to be working on getting shoes for work but then also going and working on bryants gift a little. :)
Going to Orlando
This title explains in all.
Bryant and I are going to Orlando today.
I will not have internet for a few days so expect an update or two on my tumblr.
i dont remember if the link is with in here so its [here]
Bryant and I are going to Orlando today.
I will not have internet for a few days so expect an update or two on my tumblr.
i dont remember if the link is with in here so its [here]
Down to the Wire
So it is may 5th. That means we have less than 2 weeks until the Disney College Program picks up and starts moving. The reason I am making this post now is because for Bryant and I this is where life becomes a little crazy. I know I have been through what May looks life for us before but this is the other part I probably didnt mention.... So since Bryant and I are driving and we everything we own between us we figured we would just wait and get the things we needed once we got into town. Now for most CP's waiting until they get into town means going to the walmart. I did a post awhile back about my suggestions for doing that. If you arrive after the 18th still consider looking into it.I cant find the post right this minute so basically go to walmart.com create an account and then site to store everything to the walmart on SR 535. OK? okay!
So back to what i was originally trying to say. So Bryant and I are planning on getting there on the 15th. These 3 days are going to be spent getting things together so that when the time comes are are not S.O.L. We have to get things like Shampoo, Towels, You know all that stuff that you need to live clean. But yes, we will be doing that. and getting everything in order. =] I am exciting to be learning my work location soon. I am excited to get my HUB access again. I am exciting to be able to go to property control. and I am excited to be back at Disney.
So anyways. If you guys have anyway questions go to my tumblr [here] ... ask away. I dont really know what all to talk about until the time comes when we get to orlando. Um I should be making a video of the trip a little and some of the stuff we are doing while waiting to go to jacksonville and then while we are waiting to go to orlando. Its going to be a busy couple of days. You ready? So am I!
So back to what i was originally trying to say. So Bryant and I are planning on getting there on the 15th. These 3 days are going to be spent getting things together so that when the time comes are are not S.O.L. We have to get things like Shampoo, Towels, You know all that stuff that you need to live clean. But yes, we will be doing that. and getting everything in order. =] I am exciting to be learning my work location soon. I am excited to get my HUB access again. I am exciting to be able to go to property control. and I am excited to be back at Disney.
So anyways. If you guys have anyway questions go to my tumblr [here] ... ask away. I dont really know what all to talk about until the time comes when we get to orlando. Um I should be making a video of the trip a little and some of the stuff we are doing while waiting to go to jacksonville and then while we are waiting to go to orlando. Its going to be a busy couple of days. You ready? So am I!
We are still waiting :| and its getting a little old.
Hey guys. So as i sit here while Bryant is in class I am trying to think of things to talk to you guys about. Then I realised that I havent filled you guys in on this fact... My Iphone doesnt have an app that will let me update my Blogspot.. unless i email or text it in... This is great and all but there is a much quicker, practially live feed from my phone using tumblr. So if you interested in that the link for that is... http://magicalmomentswdw.tumblr.com/ so visit there. I will still be doing long involved updates but the tumblr will have more pictures i have taken that might not end up on here. Yes i will still include pictures but i just thought that if your looking for a more involved minute to minute of my program that might be a better way to do such. There will not be much on there considering I'm not at disney yet but keep your eyes open come May 15th when i get to orlando. If you dont want a much more up to date thing and just want to follow here alone im fine with that, i just thought with my phone tumblr would be easier on the quick and easy but this would be better for more detailed stuff.. since well we know i can be a rambler even on the difficult days.
Guess What!?
No, I didnt audition so i didnt get character performer but a few of my lovely friends did and it makes me so excited that they did. It honestly puts butterflies in my belly because it makes me remember "IM GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!" anyways in the mean time i have school to finish. i have tons of doctor appointments. and ummm oh right i have to learn to drive plus all that work that comes with that... ewww. Anyways that's the next 36 days. Oh and in other news if im still seasonal, which Disney says I am... I don't have to go through Traditions again. Thats sort of exciting. Anyways... Im bored. I need to do school work but considering i dont want to even be up yet i dont think i need to be doing school work yet. I CANT WAIT FOR MAY 6th! I mean MAY 18th will be wonderful but im more excited for MAY 6th because it means no school stress and bryant is done with so it means summer is here!
Bryant and I have been slacking.
I dont necessarily mean on the blogging front either.
We havent actually made our hotel reservations yet.
We havent signed up for 2 Disney Classes we cant to take.
We havent done any of the paperwork type stuff that needs to be done for financial aid next year
We havent dont any packing or consolidating
We havent really done much in regards to Disney what so ever.
I have been doing artistic journaling about Disney
I also realised that there is no application for the iphone to use blogspot really.
So i started a tumblr that i can update from time to time while in the parks
Bryant and I need to get on this whole things we have to do list.
Im going to go do school work :)
So this is what the plan looks like for the few days or so for Bryant and myself before we go to check into Disney.
May 6th - I am done school and Bryant is done working at the state.
May 7th - Saturday - Packing
May 8th- Sunday - Packing
May 9th- Monday - Packing
May 10th- Tuesday - Loading the Car up
May 11th- Wednesday - Drive to Jacksonville early. Do Financial Aid stuff. Sell Back School Books
May 12th- Thursday - 2 Dr. Appointments
May 13th- Friday - Dr. Appointment (maybe two)
May 14th- Saturday - FREE DAY!
May 15th - Sunday -Drive to Orlando & Check into Hotel
May 16th - Monday - Ikea
May 17th - Tuesday - Wal*Mart/Target & Dinner at Yummy Place. (TOP SECRET) Meet and Greet at ESPN zone. 8:30
May 18th - Wednesday - Check in. & Grocery Shopping
Hey guys,
I know its sort of been a little while since i last updated this blog. I have been slacking on all blogging fronts. I just finished my american government class at school. Thankfully that it over. i have 4 weeks left of my Chemsitry and then i will be once happy girl with 4 weeks of school left. =] Anyways I know you are not at all interested in my school life. So I just see if i can find things to talk about...
oh, i am going to check in to disney on May 18th and Jessica, was going to move into an apartment with me (wellness since I am not 21) decided she didnt want to risk being termed because of someone having alcohol in the apartment and since she is over 21 i totally understand it. I just feel really bad moving into an apartment and then once i turn 21 which is first move it date move on this person. So i dont know what I am going to do about roommates but Im sure ill figure something out. Im not worrying about it.
Check in dinner = I was talking to Jessica (yes, same Jessica and her blog is [here]) and the last few seasons people have done there check -ins at T-Rex or a quick service location. I didnt think T-rex was all that good of a restaurant and it is loud and cold (no thankyou when it is HECKA hot in florida) anyways, so i started looking around and thought that ESPN zone would be a nice alternative. Illuminations is at 9 your with-in walking distance from Epcot at Hollywood Studios. You can take transportation from disney resorts if you are staying property. It is a little less convienent with parking but that is manageable and ESPN zone is more of a sports bar so it is easier to socialize that way. Anyways Hopefully the dinner with be there. i think it is. if you need help with getting there contact me on facebook or on here or email me cbatwdw@gmail.com. anyways. IT should be a fun time. That is on the 17th obviously.
Bryant and I havent made our reservations for hotels but im not to worried there re plenty of places to stay on property and now that transportation is clear and we know we willl have all our stuff im not concerned.
Umm yea. I am still working on my bucket list. If you have anything you might like to suggest just leave a comment.
72 days and counting.
I know its sort of been a little while since i last updated this blog. I have been slacking on all blogging fronts. I just finished my american government class at school. Thankfully that it over. i have 4 weeks left of my Chemsitry and then i will be once happy girl with 4 weeks of school left. =] Anyways I know you are not at all interested in my school life. So I just see if i can find things to talk about...
oh, i am going to check in to disney on May 18th and Jessica, was going to move into an apartment with me (wellness since I am not 21) decided she didnt want to risk being termed because of someone having alcohol in the apartment and since she is over 21 i totally understand it. I just feel really bad moving into an apartment and then once i turn 21 which is first move it date move on this person. So i dont know what I am going to do about roommates but Im sure ill figure something out. Im not worrying about it.
Check in dinner = I was talking to Jessica (yes, same Jessica and her blog is [here]) and the last few seasons people have done there check -ins at T-Rex or a quick service location. I didnt think T-rex was all that good of a restaurant and it is loud and cold (no thankyou when it is HECKA hot in florida) anyways, so i started looking around and thought that ESPN zone would be a nice alternative. Illuminations is at 9 your with-in walking distance from Epcot at Hollywood Studios. You can take transportation from disney resorts if you are staying property. It is a little less convienent with parking but that is manageable and ESPN zone is more of a sports bar so it is easier to socialize that way. Anyways Hopefully the dinner with be there. i think it is. if you need help with getting there contact me on facebook or on here or email me cbatwdw@gmail.com. anyways. IT should be a fun time. That is on the 17th obviously.
Bryant and I havent made our reservations for hotels but im not to worried there re plenty of places to stay on property and now that transportation is clear and we know we willl have all our stuff im not concerned.
Umm yea. I am still working on my bucket list. If you have anything you might like to suggest just leave a comment.
72 days and counting.
I lost....
I dont really know what exactly to write about. I mean currently I feel like I dont have anything to say. I mean if you guys have anything you want to hear about comment on my formspring or PM me on fb or leave a comment here.
I can write about whatever you want as long as i have the knowledge. I feel stuck. So help me get unstuck. If you ve never been to disney and you keep hearing about stuff but never really get an answer let me know. I just honeslty have nothing to share with you so far. Hopefully something will come up.
Pictures with my purple folder should be up soon and so in the mean time.. if you think of anything contact me. :) thanks followers and readers.
I am still compling my bucket list. and my bucket list is not really a wha ti want to do before i kick the bucket it is more of what would i like to get done before my program kicks the bucket. i guess. but in any case. Seriously let me know cause i have no clue what to discuss with anyone currently.
I can write about whatever you want as long as i have the knowledge. I feel stuck. So help me get unstuck. If you ve never been to disney and you keep hearing about stuff but never really get an answer let me know. I just honeslty have nothing to share with you so far. Hopefully something will come up.
Pictures with my purple folder should be up soon and so in the mean time.. if you think of anything contact me. :) thanks followers and readers.
I am still compling my bucket list. and my bucket list is not really a wha ti want to do before i kick the bucket it is more of what would i like to get done before my program kicks the bucket. i guess. but in any case. Seriously let me know cause i have no clue what to discuss with anyone currently.
So the process is on hold. I am going to disney world. I recieved the purple email. Which i cant actually share with you sadly because I made the mistake of requesting my emails to be in plain text instead of html text. ops. So anyways. I havent picked my arrival date yet because Bryant and I want to do it at the same time. But hopefully we will get May 18th, 2011. Well i guess it is time to tell you my role. I am in Merch. It wasnt in my top 3 but what do i care im going to disney world. Maybe it will give me the oppertunity to network with someone at disney design (cross your fingers). Anywho. so um yeah. When i interviewed i requested Hollywood Studios. I think that is still what i want but im not really sure I didnt prepare to pick my top 3 merch locations. it gets me all conflustered. So i guess what i am going to do is not be to selective since for merch i can pick up shifts basically anywhere. Oh and the one thing i am glad about it that i will be working with more CP's :) that is something i am lad about. So hopefully I will get studios and we will see where this adventure takes me. Now i am starting to work on my bucketlist. so maybe keep an eye out for that.
- ARIES (Jasmine) willful, feisty, independent
TAURUS (Belle) creative, loyal, dependable
GEMINI (Alice) curious, childlike, talkative
CANCER (Cinderella) cautious, nurturing, empathetic
LEO (Charlotte) provocative, demanding, flamboyant
VIRGO (Tiana) realistic, knowledgeable, modest
LIBRA (Mulan) intellectual, easygoing, indecisive
SCORPIO (Pocahontas) intense, secretive, passionate
SAGITTARIUS (Rapunzel) adventurous, spirited, happy
CAPRICORN (Aurora) respectful, devoted, classy
AQUARIUS (Ariel) idealistic, rebellious, open minded
PISCES (Snow White) dreamy, compassionate, kind
im getting a tad impatient
I think disney is trying to give me palpatations. Golly. I have recieved 3 emails in the last 3 days.
Now i am totally not saying that I should stop getting them I am just saying that its like this... EKKK it makes me soo excited. Anyways. I Was bored when waiting for my interview so I thought i would share this with y'all. the sign that i made. I will probably end up making quite a few.. but ill put them all in the this post so you dont get overwhelmed :) Bucketlists will not get started until after I hear. I really hope i get BBB or FSFB.
Now i am totally not saying that I should stop getting them I am just saying that its like this... EKKK it makes me soo excited. Anyways. I Was bored when waiting for my interview so I thought i would share this with y'all. the sign that i made. I will probably end up making quite a few.. but ill put them all in the this post so you dont get overwhelmed :) Bucketlists will not get started until after I hear. I really hope i get BBB or FSFB.
Phone Interview.
thats right my phone interview was at 5:00 on friday (officially yesterday) and i will let you know how it went when i hear. until then... i am going to go on a blogging hiatus. I dont want to jinx it and i have anything i really want to talk about. I love disney but there is something that makes me say.. now just sit back and focus on something you can control your grades and just think i will still be in the political science class when i hear back.... so its not that long. 3-4 weeks.
Applications and the Web-based interview
If you call Disney they tell you that Applications for Fall 2011/ Fall Advantage go up in February. That is so helpful right. Well everyone who has called was told February. In 2011 Applications came up on 01/19/11 at approx. 12pm. The application requires... all your basic information about your work experience and then you go to the web based interview. Like everyone says it is really easy. Nothing to fret over. The timed sections you have 50 seconds to answer. They have about 10-15 questions. Those 10-15 questions are reworded about 3-5 different ways. Anyways dont worry. The hardest part is trying to stay focused. But as long as you are consistant i dont see it being a problem.
Now I called the same day i did my application. When i called they said that they would not be schedule phone interviews until tomorrow at 8:30am. When i called again after learning that bryant had his phone interview the next morning i mentioned to randy,the guy who picked up the phone, that i was under the impression that I could schedule my interview. so they scheduled it. YAY! so at 5pm on friday It is not as nerve recking as people expect. I am so excited the process has begun. :)
Now I called the same day i did my application. When i called they said that they would not be schedule phone interviews until tomorrow at 8:30am. When i called again after learning that bryant had his phone interview the next morning i mentioned to randy,the guy who picked up the phone, that i was under the impression that I could schedule my interview. so they scheduled it. YAY! so at 5pm on friday It is not as nerve recking as people expect. I am so excited the process has begun. :)
So I know people are really into this whole making t-shirts for their college program experience but this is my thing. Shirts can be really a pain in the butt and what for.... to wear a few dozen times if your lucky over the program. Well here is the deal. I know what one thing people always use during their programs are bags. So i made a mock up. The bags would be about 30 dollars after shipping and everything but my feelings are this... I would rather spend 30 bucks on a bag that i could use more often then spend 15 on a t-shirt. Bags can be used to carry things to work. Can be used to get character signatures. It can be used to carry things around the parks. It can be used to hold your pin collection. It can be used for a lot of really useful things. So in my opinion it makes more since to spend twice as much and get twice if not more uses out of it. If people are not interested I am still making one for Bryant because he seemed interested in the idea. So any ways my idea was to iron on the WDWCP11 on the front part that covers the zipper and then on the side to place your personal initials. If you have used a jansport backpack you know they come in a variety of colors and if people are actually interested Ill work on a clearer idea of what colors are available but this was just me playing around. Disney sells patches for your mickey ears but they will just as easily go on your bag. So yeah. I guess if you are interested let me know. I will probably bring it up sometime in the Disney chat. Message me on facebook i guess. I have no idea how this all is going to work so don't start asking technical questions. I'm just trying to get an idea of how it is received. Alrighty. Oh on another note you can also use this bag full of your carry on items if you are flying. I think thats all for now. :)
30 Days of Walt Disney World
So i was browsing tumblr and found this...a 30 day survey about Disney World. so with 49 days until applications are up i figure this will be an alright filler of time sort of kind of. so to make this last as long as possible i figure i will do one day everyday Monday- Friday. Which would take me all the way until until January 14th but since well some of those days things will be getting hectic i figure YAY!! it takes me all the way until applications come out. P.S. All of the photos included come from Matt Pasant's Flickr [here]
Alright so Adam [here] started a new tag game. and i am going to copy and paste here so bare with me...
Alright, the new game is that everyone has to share a really embarrassing moment that has happened in their lives! It will be fun and hopefully it can provide some laughs :P
so anyways if your looking at Adams post and saying to yourself "hey stupid, you didnt get tagged" I know that I didnt get tagged but actually Chip [here] tagged me. So i if can believe it, Im not actually loosing my mind.
Alright, the new game is that everyone has to share a really embarrassing moment that has happened in their lives! It will be fun and hopefully it can provide some laughs :P
so anyways if your looking at Adams post and saying to yourself "hey stupid, you didnt get tagged" I know that I didnt get tagged but actually Chip [here] tagged me. So i if can believe it, Im not actually loosing my mind.
Alright so I was wandering around the internet and i stumbled upon this fun little website. [wordle]. This is the image of the top 150 words used in this blog. Im interested to see how it changes as time goes on but for now this is how it looks...
It is really easy to do and if you dont like the first image that comes up you can edit and make it your own with fonts and colors and what not. I thought as time went on i might add more life to the word images as Disney potentially gets closer and closer. Anyways if you are interested check it out. I think it is pretty neat. Sometimes it doesnt choose the most used words it just piles in the words you have used recently. it all depends. But yep that is that.. Enjoy.
It is really easy to do and if you dont like the first image that comes up you can edit and make it your own with fonts and colors and what not. I thought as time went on i might add more life to the word images as Disney potentially gets closer and closer. Anyways if you are interested check it out. I think it is pretty neat. Sometimes it doesnt choose the most used words it just piles in the words you have used recently. it all depends. But yep that is that.. Enjoy.
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