So i was browsing tumblr and found this...a 30 day survey about Disney World. so with 49 days until applications are up i figure this will be an alright filler of time sort of kind of. so to make this last as long as possible i figure i will do one day everyday Monday- Friday. Which would take me all the way until until January 14th but since well some of those days things will be getting hectic i figure YAY!! it takes me all the way until applications come out. P.S. All of the photos included come from Matt Pasant's Flickr [here]
Day 1: Favorite Walt Disney World park?
Friday December 3rd - My favorite park when it comes to over all atmosphere is definitely Hollywood Studios. Memories i would say my favorite park memories are Magic Kingdom. Its hard to choose but the one i would rather work and spend more time in is Studios. I really like spending the day just people watching and going to the animation studio. Studios has wonderful thrill rides great entertainment. Studios isn't magic kingdom but it is pretty awesome for following its original concept plus... I love my movies.
Day 2: Favorite land in the Magic Kingdom?
Monday December 6th - FANTSYLAND! I love fantasyland if given the opportunity i might just be able to spend hours in fantasyland and only need to leave to get a real meal since I'm not a huge fan of the village haus and Cinderellas probably isn't that good after 2 meals. but love the wishing well the fountain the castle the carousel the teacups peter pans flight but i wish that the skyway would open back up again. I am really excited to see that Disney has in mind for the fantasyland revamp. i just have to wait and wait and wait. Fantasyland rocks.
Day 3: Favorite attraction in Tomorrowland?

Tuesday December 7th - GRR!!! i cant choose why must you make me choose. ummm... PROGRESS!!!! anyways I'm a big fan of getting stuck on progress, which happens a lot. I love progress. i can skip space mountain for the most part i just don't find the whiplash being a fun part of a ride.. sorry. But i love this song it was my ring tone until i lost all the music on my phone. go Sherman brothers =]. if you were wondering what other attraction i was flip flopping over it was TTA aka the Blue line.
Wednesday December 8th - Okay so even more that Tomorrowland I love fantasyland but i will not get back into that rant again. but out of all the attractions... TEACUPS! I could hang out on the teacups for hours. I have been known to get off all dizzy and end up up in the five minute line. I know you get dizzy its always funny to see how people react. I wish that the teacups were a little more like they are in Disneyland but i like that you can still ride them once it rains. so its sort of a give and take. I think i would rather ride instead of the look since it rains way more here in Florida than it does in Cali.
Day 5: Favorite attraction in Liberty Square?
Thursday December 9th - HALL OF PRESIDENT! i love the hall of presidents especially since the rehab done last year after Obama was introduced. I could watch it all the time. maybe its my pull to Philadelphia but I just feel drawn towards this attraction. (PS. if you haven't noticed they wear the same costumes at Hall of Presidents and they do at the American Adventure Attraction in Epcot.)
Day 6: Favorite attraction in Frontierland?
Friday December 10th - Umm I find Frontierland sort of a dull experience. Maybe its just because Splash makes you wet and after spending a little bit of time getting ready to look presentable Splash can take that away in minutes... So my favorite attraction which really isn't an attraction but part of an attraction (big thunder mountain) and can be seen from another attraction (Walt Disney railroad) I have to say my favorite part about Frontierland is the man in the bathtub. but if your making me choose an actual attraction... Tom Sawyer's Island. PS. I'm not including a picture because i find frontierland that boring. sorry guys. I'm sure there are pictures but frontierland wasn't part of magic kingdom originally so i don't feel bad.
Day 7: Favorite attraction in Adventureland?
Monday December 13th - Adventureland... that's the one with pirates and JUNGLE CRUISE right? lol jk well i like the jungle cruise. i don't really ride it all that often but i like the baby elephants even if they are fake. and the really sad humor that goes on there. Anyways. Jungle cruise. and the reason today's doesn't have a photo attached is because i didn't want to go and use other peoples photos and the guys photos that I'm using doesn't have a jungle cruise photo. =[
Day 9: Favorite attraction in future world?

Spaceship Earth I mean hello Judy Dench. 'nuff said.
Day 10: Favorite attraction in the worlds?
Day 10: Favorite attraction in the worlds?
Wednesday December 16th- Umm doldrums. I don't like any of the attractions in the World Showcase. If we are calling entertainment attractions then it would be hard but we are just saying attractions um... none. I like the visuals its not an area to go crazy on attractions and i like it that way. =] no picture because no attraction.
Day 11: Favorite Hollywood Studios area?

Thursday December 17th - I don't have a favorite actual area of Hollywood Studios. I love two intersections of 3 areas. Anyways those 2 intersections are Hollywood & Vine and then the intersection of Hollywood & Sunset. I could spend all day in this area the citizens of Hollywood are AMAZING. gahh.. i have a video to share another time that is of the citizens of Hollywood. i really love studios. it was one of the places during my first trip with my mom that i actually had a wonderful time. Anyways That's my favorite park.
Day 12: Favorite Hollywood Studios attraction?
Monday December 20th - Tower of Terror!!! i love rides its funny but the reason this is my favorite ride isn't because of the amazing wait line. I know I'm a nerd. no one likes waiting in line for rides. well this is one of those rides i will wait in line because it is so awesome. hehe lame reason to love a ride but its my reason. If toy had a better wait line maybe i would feel differently but I'm sorry the who transition through time is wonderful.

Monday December 20th - Tower of Terror!!! i love rides its funny but the reason this is my favorite ride isn't because of the amazing wait line. I know I'm a nerd. no one likes waiting in line for rides. well this is one of those rides i will wait in line because it is so awesome. hehe lame reason to love a ride but its my reason. If toy had a better wait line maybe i would feel differently but I'm sorry the who transition through time is wonderful.
Day 13: Favorite Animal Kingdom area?
Tuesday December 21st - this is going to sound lame but i like the area near Kali river rapids where the monkeys live. i have no idea what that are is called but i think its Asia. i also like the fabric flags near Everest.. bam. i know its lame i just don't like how much hotter animal kingdom is. No picture sorry :)
Tuesday December 21st - this is going to sound lame but i like the area near Kali river rapids where the monkeys live. i have no idea what that are is called but i think its Asia. i also like the fabric flags near Everest.. bam. i know its lame i just don't like how much hotter animal kingdom is. No picture sorry :)
Day 14: Favorite Animal Kingdom attraction?
Day 15: Favorite Walt Disney World Resort?

Thursday December 23rd - My favorite Walt Disney Resort. One i could just go to and hang out in for hours is Grand Fla. I love it. i cant explain it but there is so much to do and it has the type of atmosphere what i could sit a read a book all day and listen to the different types of music with out any problem what so ever. your close to MK that you can just run over and hang out on main street or watch wishes from the beach or just hang out on the sand or at the pool. Grand Fla is really a wonderful resort and maybe i just like the feeling of stepping into the movie Somewhere in Time.

Thursday December 23rd - My favorite Walt Disney Resort. One i could just go to and hang out in for hours is Grand Fla. I love it. i cant explain it but there is so much to do and it has the type of atmosphere what i could sit a read a book all day and listen to the different types of music with out any problem what so ever. your close to MK that you can just run over and hang out on main street or watch wishes from the beach or just hang out on the sand or at the pool. Grand Fla is really a wonderful resort and maybe i just like the feeling of stepping into the movie Somewhere in Time.
Day 16: Favorite snack to grab in the parks?
Friday December 24th - alright so this is the deal i have two favorite snacks to grab in the parks. Both are actually only at Magic Kingdom. and well one resort so i feel like its okay to mention both. One, Dole Whip cause yum! and two, a cream cheese soft pretzel. it sold by space mountain. its delicioso!
Friday December 24th - alright so this is the deal i have two favorite snacks to grab in the parks. Both are actually only at Magic Kingdom. and well one resort so i feel like its okay to mention both. One, Dole Whip cause yum! and two, a cream cheese soft pretzel. it sold by space mountain. its delicioso!
Day 17: Favorite restaurant?
Monday December 27th - alright so this is really hard every Disney restaurant is really yummy for different reasons some are sort of the same food wise but the atmosphere is real different. but I'm going to have to say that i am going to list top 3 and in no special order because its so hard to choose. mmhhmm that's it.
1. Big River on the boardwalk
2. Sci Fi Dine in
3. 50's Primetime
i am so hungry now geez!
Monday December 27th - alright so this is really hard every Disney restaurant is really yummy for different reasons some are sort of the same food wise but the atmosphere is real different. but I'm going to have to say that i am going to list top 3 and in no special order because its so hard to choose. mmhhmm that's it.
1. Big River on the boardwalk
2. Sci Fi Dine in
3. 50's Primetime
i am so hungry now geez!
Day 18: What attraction do you wish they would bring back?
Tuesday December 28 - i was never actually on this attraction and considering it would be fairly easy to bring back especially for the 40th anniversary i think they should bring back the swan boats... I'm sort of in a rush but i will go into more detail later tonight :) Later: So the swan Boats. I think they are pretty freaking wonderful. Bryant and i were talking and we think if they don't bring back the swan boats they should bring back the skyway. but swanboats would be so much easier to being back... so Disney. DO IT! if you don't know what swan boats are i should probably explain but that involves pictures. so maybe another day.
Day 19: What is your least favorite attraction?
I got a little ahead of myself somehow so....
Wednesday December 29th - Dinosaur! i really don't like this ride. i rode it once. it kills my body. and oh right.... I'm a total spaz when it comes to thing popping out of no where. So Dinosaur is not for me. Sadly it is the ride one of my friends worked and but i just don't have the enthusiasm to get on. Sorry. So Dinosaur.

I got a little ahead of myself somehow so....
Wednesday December 29th - Dinosaur! i really don't like this ride. i rode it once. it kills my body. and oh right.... I'm a total spaz when it comes to thing popping out of no where. So Dinosaur is not for me. Sadly it is the ride one of my friends worked and but i just don't have the enthusiasm to get on. Sorry. So Dinosaur.
Day 20: Favorite Walt Disney World dessert?
Thursday December 30th - My favorite Dessert of all time, not just st Disney World is...
the cupcakes. seriously they are so yummy i cant even contain my excitement about wanting and eating one right now. yum! every day could be filled with cupcakes and i would be perfectly happy.
Thursday December 30th - My favorite Dessert of all time, not just st Disney World is...
the cupcakes. seriously they are so yummy i cant even contain my excitement about wanting and eating one right now. yum! every day could be filled with cupcakes and i would be perfectly happy.
Day 21: Favorite character to see in the park?
December 31st - Alright so there is the whole face/fur thing happening here.. so i am going to just choose between the furs. and my favorite fur to see on property is... DOPEY!
he is one of my favorite characters. but my favorite favorite to see in the parks probably because it is always a surprise to see him. it is not like he goes out with snow in every park. he is special but not rare and he is in the parades at Magic. Dopey is wonderful.
December 31st - Alright so there is the whole face/fur thing happening here.. so i am going to just choose between the furs. and my favorite fur to see on property is... DOPEY!
he is one of my favorite characters. but my favorite favorite to see in the parks probably because it is always a surprise to see him. it is not like he goes out with snow in every park. he is special but not rare and he is in the parades at Magic. Dopey is wonderful.
Day 22: Favorite parade?
January 3rd - I wouldn't call this the easiest question but it is definitely up there on the list of easy questions to answer. My favorite parade on property is with out a doubt the 3:00 parade. Celebrate a Dream Come True Parade. I like this parade because it has a beautiful soundtrack, everyone is in it including a few park guests. Despite the annoying questions about what time the parade starts i really enjoy it. My favorite area to stand is by where the parade stop is for the fairy godmother. you get an awesome visual of the stepsisters and then there is a lovely little surprise of confetti. It is magical and really one of the most wonderful things Disney doesn't on a daily basis. I could go to this parade everyday until it gets replaced, which i know eventually it will be.
January 3rd - I wouldn't call this the easiest question but it is definitely up there on the list of easy questions to answer. My favorite parade on property is with out a doubt the 3:00 parade. Celebrate a Dream Come True Parade. I like this parade because it has a beautiful soundtrack, everyone is in it including a few park guests. Despite the annoying questions about what time the parade starts i really enjoy it. My favorite area to stand is by where the parade stop is for the fairy godmother. you get an awesome visual of the stepsisters and then there is a lovely little surprise of confetti. It is magical and really one of the most wonderful things Disney doesn't on a daily basis. I could go to this parade everyday until it gets replaced, which i know eventually it will be.
Day 23: What is the scariest ride?
January 4th - Is there a ride at Disney World that is scary.. Probably because i will not go near dinosaur after the one time i rode it. sooo.. Dinosaur. not really doing to talk much more than that about it.
January 4th - Is there a ride at Disney World that is scary.. Probably because i will not go near dinosaur after the one time i rode it. sooo.. Dinosaur. not really doing to talk much more than that about it.
Day 24: Favorite face character? (shows their true face, no mask).
January 5th - Jeepers could they make a harder question my favorite face character is soo difficult. I cant just choose one so i will put down the two that i would love to be, if i could, friends with. I know i cant be because i am to short. but in either case these are the funniest faces around property that i enjoy...
image of Alice from Express Monorail.
image of stepsister from Don Sullivan

Day 25: Favorite activity outside of the park, but still on Disney property?
January 6 - I did a post on this before but its my seven favorite things. So i guess i will just say laying on the beach at one of the resorts on the monorail loop. I find these beaches much more relaxing then the yacht and beach beaches. So yes. That's that enjoy. Try it sometime. I bring a book and get some sun. =]
January 6 - I did a post on this before but its my seven favorite things. So i guess i will just say laying on the beach at one of the resorts on the monorail loop. I find these beaches much more relaxing then the yacht and beach beaches. So yes. That's that enjoy. Try it sometime. I bring a book and get some sun. =]
Day 26: Favorite Souvenir?
January 7th - My personal favorite Souvenir that you can only get at Disney World would have to be...
My ears. I think the ears are one of the best things at Disney world. It is such a blah answer i know but i really love my ears. its the obvious thing but i guess its because when i went to Disney the first time i wanted ears and didn't get them so when i got them my first time working there it was such an honor because i finally good my ears and it is such a big part of Disney that i got a warm inside. I am sort of in love with ears. I have 3 pairs at this point and would like more. I am have tons of picture ideas in my head with my ears. But we will see. anyways. that's the souvenir.
January 7th - My personal favorite Souvenir that you can only get at Disney World would have to be...
My ears. I think the ears are one of the best things at Disney world. It is such a blah answer i know but i really love my ears. its the obvious thing but i guess its because when i went to Disney the first time i wanted ears and didn't get them so when i got them my first time working there it was such an honor because i finally good my ears and it is such a big part of Disney that i got a warm inside. I am sort of in love with ears. I have 3 pairs at this point and would like more. I am have tons of picture ideas in my head with my ears. But we will see. anyways. that's the souvenir.
Day 27: Favorite Walt Disney World breakfast?
January 10th - Alright let me just start with this first fact. I don't like breakfast. Not a traditional breakfast at least. I like eating waffles and pancakes in the afternoon. I like my bacon flabby and no one makes flabby bacon. Oh and the biggest thing is I don't like eggs. For YEARS i didn't like orange juice and Breakfast meats besides bacon is Gross! So that's the one fact. Now throw into this bunch that Disney stops serving breakfast around 11ish it becomes even harder to even try a Disney breakfast. Oops. So my favorite breakfast is the chocolate croissant. Do you want one? I have found a few places on property that isnt the resorts and they include... the Main Street Bakery and the Deli/Pastry Shop thing is France.
January 10th - Alright let me just start with this first fact. I don't like breakfast. Not a traditional breakfast at least. I like eating waffles and pancakes in the afternoon. I like my bacon flabby and no one makes flabby bacon. Oh and the biggest thing is I don't like eggs. For YEARS i didn't like orange juice and Breakfast meats besides bacon is Gross! So that's the one fact. Now throw into this bunch that Disney stops serving breakfast around 11ish it becomes even harder to even try a Disney breakfast. Oops. So my favorite breakfast is the chocolate croissant. Do you want one? I have found a few places on property that isnt the resorts and they include... the Main Street Bakery and the Deli/Pastry Shop thing is France.
Day 28: Favorite firework show?
January 11th - Um Well... WISHES
January 11th - Um Well... WISHES
Day 29: Favorite monorail color?
January 12th - i dont have a monorail color. :( I guess if i had to choose i would say teal because its so random. but honestly i have nothing. I know im not really chatty lately sorry folks.
Day 30: Favorite statue, fountain, or eye candy in the parks?
(something that always grabs your eye)
January 13th - My fave is Roy and Minnie. I FREAKED OUT, when i thought they moved the statue to put in the christmas tree. it made me super duper sad.
And now that there is a week left until applications possibily come out I am going to be prepping for the application and web interview. Ill make a post about my whole process for anyone considering on applying another season besides Fall '11.
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