So lets see where this goes..
Jarvis [click here for his blog] tagged me. and apparently the rules are to state 10 facts about yourself soo... here we go.
1. I am obsessed with my birthday.
2. I love car trips but I don't drive. I know I know. I lived in a city with sweet public transportation and when i moved i didn't see a point in getting my licence. I am working on it though.
3. I can sing. Ive been in at least one choir, usually church, for a really long time. I will sing solos in church but when i get asked to sing i freeze up and it is just bad. I don't know why.
4. I can bend my thumb behind my pointer fingers knuckle... apparently this is weird.
5. I worked at a daycare after high school and if i hadn't moved to Jacksonville I would probably still work there. I loved it.
6. I waited two years to go to college to figure out what i wanted to do with my life.
7. I hate condiments. I don't touch them. i don't like the smell of them. i avoid touching the bottles of them. I really don't like them. I have broken down into tear before because of how much i dislike them
8. My favorite animal is an elephant. On safari i can skip everything but don't be driving past those elephants to fast!
9. I hate the feeling of sand between my toes once I'm off the beach. It drives me crazy. sand doesn't bother me if it is just sand and not really water like at the polynesian because your not allowed to swim in the lake but the ocean is to tempting and i my feet wet and then the awful sand follows.
10. I am a steak and potatoes kind of girl. I scared people sometimes how much steak i can eat. my mashed potatoes have to be right though.
alright so now for the other part of this game. I have to tag to people and if i am looking right i think i will go and tag
Chip Langlois [here] && Katelyn Mckenzie [here]
This is the fun image we got during our tokbox the other night. it was quite fun if you ask me even though mac was messing up for me and bryant.
its NOT always sunny in Florida
So this is your warning and your only going to receive this warning about 8 or 9 times so pay attention. I don't care if your are going to be in Orlando during Spring or Fall but eventually you will be in Orlando when its considered "Winter" and winter does. It is really cold when your body is use to it being really warm here. This is what the nest 3 days look like for Orlando...
Dec 7th = High 59°F Low 35°F
Dec 8th = High 61°F Low 31°F
Dec 9th = High 61°F Low 41°F
If you live some place that doesn't use Fahrenheit you can do the conversion yourself.
But this is your warning be preped to have someone send you winter clothes or to buy yourself winter clothes. You will need them. Its cold it happens here. I know when its the middle of July and your sweating like mad its hard to believe but it does so... yeah. thats mt warning. ill warn you again when fall people are doing there packing. Il probably end up making a list of things to pack because florida is mostly definalty not always the sunshine state.
Dec 7th = High 59°F Low 35°F
Dec 8th = High 61°F Low 31°F
Dec 9th = High 61°F Low 41°F
If you live some place that doesn't use Fahrenheit you can do the conversion yourself.
But this is your warning be preped to have someone send you winter clothes or to buy yourself winter clothes. You will need them. Its cold it happens here. I know when its the middle of July and your sweating like mad its hard to believe but it does so... yeah. thats mt warning. ill warn you again when fall people are doing there packing. Il probably end up making a list of things to pack because florida is mostly definalty not always the sunshine state.
I just noticed...
Disney World is right off I-4
Disneyland is right off I-5
This one i already knew:
Disney World is (mostly) in Orange County,FL
Disney Land is in Orange County,CA
Sorry i had to share.
Disneyland is right off I-5
This one i already knew:
Disney World is (mostly) in Orange County,FL
Disney Land is in Orange County,CA
Sorry i had to share.
A shelf of disney movies
I want them on DVD not blu ray i get blu ray might be the newest biggest thing but yea. If i have to get them on blue ray i am fine with that or if the bluray is cheaper.. anyways this is the list.
Last Edited on 1/3/11
Last Edited on 1/3/11
Role Checklist
Alright so because i already mentioned in [this] post what my number one role choice is i thought i would show you what my role check list will look like when applications come out..
[ ]Bell Services/Dispatch
[2]Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Hostess
[ ]Concierge
[4]Character Attendant
[ ]Custodial
[1]Full Service Food and Beverage
[ ]Hopper
[ ]Hospitality
[ ]Housekeeping
[ ]Lifeguard
[ ]Main Entrance Operations
[3]PhotoPass Photographer
[ ]Quick-Service Food and Beverage
[ ]Recreation
[ ]Transportation
[ ]Vacation Planner
[ ]Costuming
75 Days until application
50 days until Christmas Eve
274 Days until I turn 21!
Just thought i would share since it makes me uber excited. :)
50 days until Christmas Eve
274 Days until I turn 21!
Just thought i would share since it makes me uber excited. :)
Snacks worth the time and effort
Alright so here is another topic. The topic i am going to share is.. Snacks that are worth the time and effort to get them around property. when i say snacks i dont mean appitizers at restaurants. I mean things sold at Quick Service Locations around property. This is list is only things that are sold year round on disney property not special items sold during the holidays or during food and wine. All the time! PS. if you think that turkey legs is going to be on this list cause you love turkeys legs and who doesnt love turkey legs. Answer: me so dont expect turkey legs they smell nasty and they taste even worse so no turkeylegs on this list. you eat them all you want but i dont think it is worth the time or effort or money even.. so click the link below to see what i choose as things you should take the time money and effort to get.
Topic: Favorite things in different parts of property
Since i haven't written in a long time i thought i would write today about my top 7 favorite things to do in each park instead of all of property i though i would do each park since all 4 parks are very different and then I'll do a list of top 7 things outside of the parks on property i like to do. these are just 7 things. not really any particular order since its so hard to choose.
Disney Cast Members!
If you have ever seen Sleepless in seattle you probably remember where they randomly start crying about the commerical with the big red bow. Thats me when it comes to disney commericals.
Alright so i put in a classic layout because the other one was giving me a headache and the pictures i want to add in the future.. hopefully. i would rather have a plain backround so distractions dont occur. Hope you like the changed. I made a few changes to some post but after a truely difficult post i decided from this point forward ill just have the changes from this point further. :) mkay.
OH and PS. i really like the chat feature on the new facebook groups. I havent been posting because i have been really sad and basically want to scream my brains out. not very magical. so... yea. when i get a little less intense ill update you with something.
OH and PS. i really like the chat feature on the new facebook groups. I havent been posting because i have been really sad and basically want to scream my brains out. not very magical. so... yea. when i get a little less intense ill update you with something.
39 year. WHAT?
So Friday was the 39th anniversary of the Opening of the Magic Kingdom. Im sure there was no big celebration on the whole but I know that im glad that the Castle didnt go through a transformation as ugly as
This genious transformation on Cinderella Castle lost alot of money bug
thankfully the lovely castle is in its beautiful orignal conditions.
and if you are doing the Fall 2011 program
Youll be there for the 40th Anniversary.
Birthday Buttons?
Anniversary Buttons?
Apparently these things have been booming in popularity since their release last April (2009). I think its really good that they have started the trading option because spending money to end up with a vinyalmation that your not happy with could be agrivation. At the D23 event they did a test run of it and now it seems to be implimented exteremely well into the different resorts and cruiselines in it seems more worthwhile. Obviously there are some rules to trading vinylmations. and i would look into them before you just buy one so you can trade it.
formspring me?
Still just waiting. Still just keeping myself occupied. No trips planned. Just alot of waiting for applicaitons.
Want to help me be entertained formspring me.
The link is on the side.
Have fun and honestly ask me whatever. Anonymously. whatever.
Class Descriptions:
I need a more accessable course catalog for classes at disney to consider and ponder over. So this is it. All of the following Information is frm the Disney College Program Website. Course Information can be found there if you interested in looking into classes a little more
email posting from my phone.
so this is a trial to see if writing an email from my phone would post a draft entry on my blogger account. i had to try it for my personal and my disney college program blog there will be a link to the other on each once i go back and edit this...if it works that is. i tried the text post but it only does one text at a time and that is much to frustrating because if you know me i cant even send a text in one message most times. so i hope this works because posting blogs will become even easier if life gets hectic or i just cant get to a computer. my phone is much more accessable on a regular normal basis compared to my computer. so thats it thats the last update for today :)
Spring 2011
Alright I know I know I really want to go back to disney. I spend way to much time think about something that is somehow directed to disney. I has already had a huge impact on my life. So why didnt i apply for spring... It doesn't fit into the plan. simple enough. I have it figured out that I can do almost all over my transfer stuff online while im in tallahassee or while im in orlando but i have certian classes (my art classes) that are in class things. So If for some odd strange reason i dont get invited back to work at disney then i can just do more classes and knock those out and apply for Spring 2012. I Know it seems crazy and wild but my heart is pulled towards orlando so we will make it work. I have a map. Ill take a picture and explain the different ways my plan can play out if i work hard and stay focused. But right now i need to stay focused on school and head to class. so that map will be with you shortly. Oh congrats to all the new cast members of spring 2011. :)
No news
No news... honest. No adventures in my head about places i want to go just doing the typical dreaming about disney world :(. Started school last week. Ready for thanksgiving. Yeah. Its dull around here if you cant tell.
108. days until Christmas
110. Days until December 27th
135? Days until applications are up
These number dwindle slowly by.
108. days until Christmas
110. Days until December 27th
135? Days until applications are up
These number dwindle slowly by.
So Spring 2011...
From what it looks like people are getting their rejection/pending/acceptance letters for Spring 2011. Sometimes reading Facebook disboards is so annoying because you end up with one person who is Die Hrad knowing what they are accepting for and what they are not and they get everyone else all flustered. Its frustrating to see one person basically have a yelling text match with someone who is trying to stay enthuisastic and optimistic."Jump Back" Your purple folder will come and if it does then just trust that trying once again will bring you your ultimate desire. Im osrry I just needed to rant beccause of people who are getting nasty about waiting whichis exactly what everyone else is doing. When i did the Careerstart program in fall 2009 I had to wait 12 weeks for my letter and then was a little over a month from leaving for disney and got postponed until May. Tell me that is not frustrating. Anyways enough rambling I needed to get that out of my system.
Fairy Godmailers
Okay so if you have ever been on passporters disscussion boards and the Disboards you have probably seen or heard a few things about the FairyGodmailers. maybe not. I dont know how i feel about getting Fairy Godmailers from people but i think it would be fun to be a fairygodmailer. So I probably will. Im going to think of ideaas before I make this offical. But I really like sending mail and imagining peoples reactions when the fainally get there mail. I enjoy making the mail and getting people ready for there trip might be exciting. So Im going to ponder over this. Maybe. I dont know i have so many things i would like to do that i should probably consider making a list of all the ideas i have. Which i know i have been saying for awhile its just that I find stuff that i like I want to do it. So we will see. maybe i will ask people to be my fairygodmailer until i get to disney. Maybe not. I just like the idea of doing nice things for other people not really having other people do nice things for me. hmm... Ponder ponder ponder.
MK Trivia // Savenger Hunt
I really like finding out random trivia. I also like the idea of having an adventure to go on. This is an adventure and random trivis thing all in one. I found this whole roaming the interwebs for savenger hunts and regular hunts to do. People seem to be in search of these things but never able to find them.. Why? Passporter's apparently has a really good treasure hunt book for the parks and resorts but I dont know Maybe if i can find it used i will be more interested. But here is the trivia question that are available to annual passholders to win a prize. Im just providing it for fun.
More things to do when your broke:
so i have this list of inexpensive and free things to do while waiting to go to disney or while you are there. i thought i would provide you with that wonderful list since it is basically a wonderful list.
as of tight now i have no idea how this is going to be split up but i guess i would start with...
as of tight now i have no idea how this is going to be split up but i guess i would start with...
I Know I know....
I know i know i said i wasnt going to audition for a character role and im not during my CP but thats doesnt mean a girl cant dream. I mean honestly every girl dreams of being able to dance in the beautiful outfits you see them in. For me I know that there are some roles i just cant do at all but my top 3 face characters that i would enjoy. and then the two i would like but dont think i could do worth a penny.
1. Wendy - First off wendy's look are all across the board and i can act smittened
2. Alice - I can act confused and interested really well. Most of the time i am.
3. Tink - umm she is curious and im curious and she is real expressive. If you dont know me well. i seem to be know for my reactions.
4. Belle
5. Cinderella.
so thats that. Hopefully i would be in the right height range for alice and wendy... who i believe are around the same. I just think think it would be a fun part time gig.
:) so my speech about tink made me think of when bryant and i went
to 1900 park fare and they waitress brought my birthday cupcake. the same cupcake that she brings everyone on my birthday and she almost fell over laughing with my reaction to the cupcake. My thoughts are hello you just delivered one of my favorite things. with mickey and i wasnt expecting it and it was actually mt birthday and you didnt embaress me by singing. Can i hug you now!? i probably would have asked if i wasnt so excited about my cupcake. Oh and if you want to make my day a better one one of three things can be delivered to my door step... or all three. Balloons,cupcakes, and flowers with an interesting display.
anyways. thats the characters. thats the story. I would probably help plan isabellas trip to disney if i were a face character too. gosh that little tyke is my favorite. :)
1. Wendy - First off wendy's look are all across the board and i can act smittened
2. Alice - I can act confused and interested really well. Most of the time i am.
3. Tink - umm she is curious and im curious and she is real expressive. If you dont know me well. i seem to be know for my reactions.
4. Belle
5. Cinderella.
so thats that. Hopefully i would be in the right height range for alice and wendy... who i believe are around the same. I just think think it would be a fun part time gig.
:) so my speech about tink made me think of when bryant and i went

anyways. thats the characters. thats the story. I would probably help plan isabellas trip to disney if i were a face character too. gosh that little tyke is my favorite. :)
So applications for spring 2011 went up earlier this week. Sad Face. Only 4/5 months until fall applications are up. When I watched the E-Presentation and why did i forget how lame it is. but it was a nice little refresher in the waiting game. Golly what a wait. So it was sort of just a waste of 45 minutes since i dont even want to consider applying because if i failed the web based interview i wouldnt be able to apply for 6 months. but its okay i would rather wait to 150 some odd days as long as i dont have to wait 180. Gahhh. Anyways. I just needed to rant about the funny presentation video and how i want to apply so badly but at the same time dont. So im going to enjoy the flordia rains and watch a movie.
Im broke...
Everyone says this once or twice during their program. So This is a list of things you can do for 10 dollars or less.
- Take a boat ride on one of the many boats traveling throughout property.
@Magic Kingdom to The Grand Floridian and the Polynesian
@Magic Kingdom to The Contemporary, Fort Wilderness, and Wilderness Lodge
@Epcot to Yacht/Beach, Boardwalk, Swan/Dolphin, Hollywood Studios
- Rent a canoe,kayak, or padal boat for $7 a half hour.
- Take a bike ride, rent a bike for $9.59 a hour
@Wilderness Lodge (wilderness lodge connects to Fort Wilderness where there are a ton different Trails.
@ The boardwalk
@I believe their are other locations as well
- Go to Property Control or Cast Connections - usually you can find somethign interesting for less than a few dollars
- Go fishing - Port Orleans and Fort Wilderness allow you to go catch and release fishing $4 half hour per pole or $9 for a full day of fishing.
- Campfire and a movie : Free. between polynesian and grand floridian or at fort wilderness.
- Collect the swizzle sticks that come with drinks. they are free fun and interesting to see the differences . just ask for a water with a lime or lemon. oh and the coasters.
- Make a lai at the polynesian.
- There are other things but this is the list off hand.
- Take a boat ride on one of the many boats traveling throughout property.
@Magic Kingdom to The Grand Floridian and the Polynesian
@Magic Kingdom to The Contemporary, Fort Wilderness, and Wilderness Lodge
@Epcot to Yacht/Beach, Boardwalk, Swan/Dolphin, Hollywood Studios
- Rent a canoe,kayak, or padal boat for $7 a half hour.
- Take a bike ride, rent a bike for $9.59 a hour
@Wilderness Lodge (wilderness lodge connects to Fort Wilderness where there are a ton different Trails.
@ The boardwalk
@I believe their are other locations as well
- Go to Property Control or Cast Connections - usually you can find somethign interesting for less than a few dollars
- Go fishing - Port Orleans and Fort Wilderness allow you to go catch and release fishing $4 half hour per pole or $9 for a full day of fishing.
- Campfire and a movie : Free. between polynesian and grand floridian or at fort wilderness.
- Collect the swizzle sticks that come with drinks. they are free fun and interesting to see the differences . just ask for a water with a lime or lemon. oh and the coasters.
- Make a lai at the polynesian.
- There are other things but this is the list off hand.
Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party
Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party (MNSSHP) - Event held at the Magic Kingdo
m during the months of September and October. Universal holds a more thrill-filled version while Disneys Halloween events are more fun-filled then thrill based. Disney normally does not allow guest to wear a costume if they are older that 9 years old but during the party you are allowed to dress up. Signing autographs is still against the rules of the party.
A special map is distrubited during this party to show you the different Trick or Treat candy locations. Other special features during this party include A special parade, special meet and greet locations, and special stageshows. Of course there are halloween themed fireworks to add to fun filled night. Oh and there are special photopass locations where you can take pictures with ghost and other random things.
Cast Members recieve discounts on certian party dates. And tickets can be purchased at any company D location.

A special map is distrubited during this party to show you the different Trick or Treat candy locations. Other special features during this party include A special parade, special meet and greet locations, and special stageshows. Of course there are halloween themed fireworks to add to fun filled night. Oh and there are special photopass locations where you can take pictures with ghost and other random things.
Cast Members recieve discounts on certian party dates. And tickets can be purchased at any company D location.
Auditions/ Entertainment
Everyone lately seems to have this desire to audition. I dont. Atleast not yet. My feelings are this. I want to do the program in a non - entertainment role. Entertainment includes Character Attendants, Costuming, and Character Performers. When I worked in Entertainment before it required me to get to work by 6am. Which ment if i took the buses i had to catch the 5am bus which really ment I was up at 415. I am not a morning person. Most of my first programm consisted of days like this. It was just not a good schedule for me. I was in Costuming and it was alot of fun when I wasnt so utterly exhausted it hurt. There were other reasons of course for this exhaustion that had nothing to do with working but in either case I would really prefer a job that didnt require me to be at work so darn early. Soooo.... This is what i was thinking with auditions.
I would audition at the end of my college program. There are many sneaky things about me wanting to do this. One If I like my work location I can go seasonal in the work location. And when i audition I would like to go part time with availability in the morning so i could take night classes and then on days that I dont have any classes I could put in availability for my CP work location. I know it seems strange but it can work and that way I would be able to work and still be in Entertainment but when i have a little bit of control over the situation. :) Happy Happy Me. Atleast if this all works out like I hope it will.
So long story short... Auditioning after the completion of my college program. and hoping to go seasonal at my work location. YAY! team.
I would audition at the end of my college program. There are many sneaky things about me wanting to do this. One If I like my work location I can go seasonal in the work location. And when i audition I would like to go part time with availability in the morning so i could take night classes and then on days that I dont have any classes I could put in availability for my CP work location. I know it seems strange but it can work and that way I would be able to work and still be in Entertainment but when i have a little bit of control over the situation. :) Happy Happy Me. Atleast if this all works out like I hope it will.
So long story short... Auditioning after the completion of my college program. and hoping to go seasonal at my work location. YAY! team.
Budget Planning
Alright so unless you have access to the Hub this post isnt very useful to you but if and when you gain access to the hub this is most definatly something you should look up...
Search: WDW only ~ College Program
Click on any of the links that have this
source: Disney College,International, and Careerstart Programs
once you have found the module dedicated to CP,ICP,CS Castmembers scroll down to the section that is Additional Resources and FAQ's. there should be links bulleted under that section. Look for the link that says Time and Money Organizer
this link is very helpful once you figure out what you need to fill in. I use to be able to enter in the complex i was living in and the number of rooms and then then number of hours i worked a day and the pay rate. At the end of the form i would find out what i would be paid after taxes and after rent... give or take a few cents.
While on your program you should definalty give it a try I found ti very helpful in figuring out how much money i had to play around with and I have a feeling it will be very helpful when it comes to saving money. Hope this tip was helpful. -CB
Search: WDW only ~ College Program
Click on any of the links that have this
source: Disney College,International, and Careerstart Programs
once you have found the module dedicated to CP,ICP,CS Castmembers scroll down to the section that is Additional Resources and FAQ's. there should be links bulleted under that section. Look for the link that says Time and Money Organizer
this link is very helpful once you figure out what you need to fill in. I use to be able to enter in the complex i was living in and the number of rooms and then then number of hours i worked a day and the pay rate. At the end of the form i would find out what i would be paid after taxes and after rent... give or take a few cents.
While on your program you should definalty give it a try I found ti very helpful in figuring out how much money i had to play around with and I have a feeling it will be very helpful when it comes to saving money. Hope this tip was helpful. -CB
Adventure to the mouse.
I know this is really premature but i am just in the kind of mood to explain how going to disney would go about. This is how the adventure would go if it were up to me. Whic
h it probably will be :) The first leg of the adventure would be from Bryant's house with all of our stuff. To my mothers house to get my important paperwork that i might not have. and then finally to orlando. In the middle in jacksonville i would like to schedule an appointment with the cardiologist so that can really say that according to the doctors everything is alright. SOOO.
The First Leg: would be from tallahassee to Jacksonville (about 2 hours and 40 minutes)
The Second Leg: would be from jacksonville to orlando (about 2 hours and 50 minutes)
There are many different factors to when we would go and where we would stay and what we would do. So when the time is a little closer i will have an official game plan and let you know but since i have until the middle of spring semister to figure it out i dont see this being a problem :) oh PS
We = Bryant and Myself.

The First Leg: would be from tallahassee to Jacksonville (about 2 hours and 40 minutes)
The Second Leg: would be from jacksonville to orlando (about 2 hours and 50 minutes)
There are many different factors to when we would go and where we would stay and what we would do. So when the time is a little closer i will have an official game plan and let you know but since i have until the middle of spring semister to figure it out i dont see this being a problem :) oh PS
We = Bryant and Myself.
i thought i would do an entire post of Fantasyland-esque things.
The Fantasyland that we have known now feels alm
ost like a carnival where half the games are closed and only one side of the mid-way has working lights. Its very odd and Ill be glad when that feeling is gone. Obviously this picture of the Mad Tea Party is in Disneyland but it is a staple of any fantasyland anywhere. There is this Dumbo (which is being doubled in size with a circus tent and and "awesome" queue line.). Peter Pans Flight. Winnie the Pooh which use to be Mr. Toads Wild Ride. Snow White. Philharmagic which use to be the mickey mouse review?. small world which is currently closed for referb. and the carousel. Those are the staples of Fantasyland. Anything n
ew is actually that except for the grotto which is being moves and enlarged. ahh and on a final note the winnie the pooh play area was taken out but they are reusing the tree elsewhere. :) Super duper excited to see final results. TA-DA! If you know the one update on the carousel is its name and the story behind it. Nothing else was updated the pictures in the middle were not changed and none of the horses were changed. Nothing honestly, nothing was chan
ged. Cinderella's horse is still the horse with the yellow ribbon and the one that is on the outside ring next to her is still Prince Charmings Horse. Have No fear about this ride changing any further than that. Ill have to fidn the back story soon. Hopefully with the additions being made of fantasyland it will not feel so entirely cramped. I always felt like i would get sick off of the amount of things they use to have in the space between then end of small world and then beginning of Winnie the Pooh.

Oh the one disappointment i found while in Disneyworld this last visit was the dismissal of one of my favorite shops. Tink's I love that you could call tink and she would arrived. I love that you could get pixie dust sprinkled on your head if you made a wish. It was so magical and now the magic has turned into a photo center for Bibbi-bobbiti - Boutique. Boo.
Oh well. Now that that practically overdone fantasyland post is complete i will complete the polyvores i started with fantasyland themes. and will post them at the end of this blog maybe. until next time. - CB
Dream FSFB Roles*
Alright so i think i'll apply for full service. There are a number of different reasons but the location is an important thing to me. I am planning on requesting Hollywood Studios as my home park during the interview no matter the role. But if i get FSFB ill request these locations.
#1: Sci-Fi Dine-in Theatre Resturant in Hollywood Studios.
The costumes are really cute. Even the winter wear or indoor winterwear is really cute. Sad for me is that it might not get cold enough to wear it that often although i would push it and start wearing it in late october.The atmosphere is really fun in here. Its a nice place to take someone on a date and the food is really delicious too. I like that there is a transition into the wonderful movie theatre. If i had the money i would try this idea elsewhere just cause it is so cute.
#2- 50's Prime Time Cafe in Hollywood Studios.
I think these costumes are sort of cute and if nothing else the caridgan that goes with it is really cute.It seems like it gets a little crazy at times but im sure you get use to it. Everyone looks like they have a ton of fun joking around and even though my roommate from my first program worked here i think it would be so wonderful to work here for awhile.
#3 - Hollywood Brown Derby at Hollywood Studios
i would really like to work at this resturant just because of the historical facts that you can know about the hollywood brown derby. The costumes are very boring but atleast it is not a gross outfit like other locations in disney. The hollywood Brown Derby is a fairly small resturant and is always busy.
#4 - The California Grill in Contemporary Resort
#5 - Yachtsman Steakhouse in Yacht Club
#6 - Mama Melrose's in Hollywood Studios
#7 - Ohana in the Polynesian Resort
Back from disney
I spent a wonderful couple of days at disney this week and disney has proved that you can always have a wonderful very different vacation. There was so many wonderful memories that made the trip wonderful and I learned a large number of things about life and me and the world. I saw old friends I ate new food. I had a fanastic time all around.
Resturants We ate at:
Somaa - Animal Kingdom Lodge: It was delicious and I must say i was pleasantly surprised. usually i am know to be a picky eatter but recently i have been trying to try new foods to increase my food interest. I was really good and not very expensive. ( cast members recieved a 40% discount there which doesnt hurt either)
1900 Park Fare - Grand Floridian: This is a wonderful character buffet. Bryant and I tried to get reservations two times during the day and instead just decided to give it a try and walk in and we got a table hardly any wait. Its really yummy and You get to meet with Cinderella, Prince Charming, Lady Termaine, and the Stepsisters. You should try it during a trip sometime. Totally worth the money if you are known to eat a lot and/or want a fun character dining.
50's Prime Time Cafe - Hollywood Studios: If Bryant and I could have a regular place this would be it. it's got really yummy homey food. Try their PBJ shakes they are pretty freaking awesome. The cast members also make you feel at home and follow the rules or else you'll end up having to do something funny. I had our entire section sing happy birthday to me.
Sci-fi Dine-In Theatre- Hollywood Studios: If i could work here i would. I loved it. Yummy food. Funny movie. really pretty chill environment. I would recommend calling the day you arrive to make reservations though. You sit in convertibles and my mind was all over the place trying to think of ways to make it work in another state somehow.
Mama Melrose - Hollywood Studios: It was really packed at the door but once you sit down it doesnt feel that way. The food was alright. I was more impressed with other hollywood studios food more.
Big River Bar and Grille - Boardwalk: This was a pleasant surprise. It was really good. A woman at the Contemporary Recommended it was I was very happy that was decided to eat there. It would be a nice place to do a gathering of like 8 people and try the beer sampler and get a bunch of different meals and taste test. Really good seafood.
Those are the resturants we ate at that were full service. Breakfast and a 2 lunches were at Quick Service Places or at the resort. Wonderful Memories i cant even start to piece together it was so wonderful. It looks like we might go back in october for a long weekend sometime when our friend is down there with her husband for his lifeguard recertification. so that will be nice to see her and nice to see bryant again since it will be a little while before I see him again :(
Resturants We ate at:
Somaa - Animal Kingdom Lodge: It was delicious and I must say i was pleasantly surprised. usually i am know to be a picky eatter but recently i have been trying to try new foods to increase my food interest. I was really good and not very expensive. ( cast members recieved a 40% discount there which doesnt hurt either)
1900 Park Fare - Grand Floridian: This is a wonderful character buffet. Bryant and I tried to get reservations two times during the day and instead just decided to give it a try and walk in and we got a table hardly any wait. Its really yummy and You get to meet with Cinderella, Prince Charming, Lady Termaine, and the Stepsisters. You should try it during a trip sometime. Totally worth the money if you are known to eat a lot and/or want a fun character dining.
50's Prime Time Cafe - Hollywood Studios: If Bryant and I could have a regular place this would be it. it's got really yummy homey food. Try their PBJ shakes they are pretty freaking awesome. The cast members also make you feel at home and follow the rules or else you'll end up having to do something funny. I had our entire section sing happy birthday to me.
Sci-fi Dine-In Theatre- Hollywood Studios: If i could work here i would. I loved it. Yummy food. Funny movie. really pretty chill environment. I would recommend calling the day you arrive to make reservations though. You sit in convertibles and my mind was all over the place trying to think of ways to make it work in another state somehow.
Mama Melrose - Hollywood Studios: It was really packed at the door but once you sit down it doesnt feel that way. The food was alright. I was more impressed with other hollywood studios food more.
Big River Bar and Grille - Boardwalk: This was a pleasant surprise. It was really good. A woman at the Contemporary Recommended it was I was very happy that was decided to eat there. It would be a nice place to do a gathering of like 8 people and try the beer sampler and get a bunch of different meals and taste test. Really good seafood.
Those are the resturants we ate at that were full service. Breakfast and a 2 lunches were at Quick Service Places or at the resort. Wonderful Memories i cant even start to piece together it was so wonderful. It looks like we might go back in october for a long weekend sometime when our friend is down there with her husband for his lifeguard recertification. so that will be nice to see her and nice to see bryant again since it will be a little while before I see him again :(
Unfortunatly people break promises. Its a sad fact of life. I dont want to promise anything about this blog. I just want to be abel to help answer any questions about orlando and life there and the CP. I may not be able to do a super fantastic job but i would like to do the best i can. I would like to keep this blog as a way to let people know the opportunities available on the college program and more specifically my 2nd program. Which i hope to take place during the Fall advantage program of 2011. Oppertunities are always arising. I would like to take advantage of them. Like auditioning for a face role. But its not an ultimate live or die goal. I would like to do a Professional Internship. and if the professional internship doesnt happen then i will apply for the CP again and then apply for professional internships. I think the little neighborhood of College Park in Orlando has so really cute and ultimatly i would like to live in orlando for a number of years working for the disney company. My goal however if to graduate from University of Florida so however i can make all of this happen I will try to make it happen. Hopefully I can blog through the entirity of these experiences. So im not making any promises but I hope you enjoy what does happen with these blogs.
Going to Disney World in 5 Days...
yes. i am going to Disney World in 5 days. It will be the first time ill have been back since i ended my program and an even longer time since i have been in the parks. Yet again that long story I still have not told. Im excited and nervous. I dont know why im nervous probably because I always like to create a wonderful fantasy in my head which is never how vacations turn out. So I dont know we will see and hope that it is a nice as i imagine it will be... it is disney of course. So ill have alot of pictures hopefully and alot of funny stories hopefully. But umm my birthday is in 6 days :) so ill be there for that. & i cant really think of whatelse to say. I dont have any program info to share i mean there is program info i could share but i just dont feel like it. so :P Umm.. yea i guesss this is just me sharing that im going to disney and there will be updates. We are staying at POP century and using our main gates. Bryant and I are both not picking up shifts but its okay because we hopefully will get our status back by the next time we would go to the parks (which is the start of the Fall Advantage 2011 program) Cross your fingers and make a wish on that second star to the right.
Housing & Mail
If you have looked basically anywhere on the internet reguarding housing at disney you will have found out that Patterson Court, Chatham Square, and Vista Way all have their plus and minus feature. Im not even going to list them if you cant find anything on the honestly just keep searching or try facebook groups. The thing i want to talk about is actually the group that takes care of the housing properties Price Management. They try their best but its just alot of nonsense and you learn who to deal with at the office.
From what I hear now Price Management is wanting everyone to have Renters Insurance. I cant tell you how this works because its a new thing that seems to just have started. I suggest just getting it once your aware of what complex you'll be living it.
Dont lose your house key and make sure that you get new keys when a roommate dont want to come home from work at 2am to find out that a roommate moved out the day before and they changed you locks while you were at work. security keeps copies of your keys but its just a hassle that doesnt need to occur.
Mailboxes are stupid at Disney. You get one key for the mailbox and usually this key ends up in random places roommates have them. Its a whole heck of alot of drama to get your mail that is not necessary. So I never even tired to deal with it. Packages are delivered to the office if they are sent by USPS. UPS and FedEx are delivered to your door.
There are alot of things that you will learn at your housing meeting. This is a very cold room so bring a jacket.
From what I hear now Price Management is wanting everyone to have Renters Insurance. I cant tell you how this works because its a new thing that seems to just have started. I suggest just getting it once your aware of what complex you'll be living it.
Dont lose your house key and make sure that you get new keys when a roommate dont want to come home from work at 2am to find out that a roommate moved out the day before and they changed you locks while you were at work. security keeps copies of your keys but its just a hassle that doesnt need to occur.
Mailboxes are stupid at Disney. You get one key for the mailbox and usually this key ends up in random places roommates have them. Its a whole heck of alot of drama to get your mail that is not necessary. So I never even tired to deal with it. Packages are delivered to the office if they are sent by USPS. UPS and FedEx are delivered to your door.
There are alot of things that you will learn at your housing meeting. This is a very cold room so bring a jacket.
Traditions & Roles
Im not going to give you the speech of what happens in Traditions if you want that your either going to have to find someone else to do it or wait and experence Tranditions yourself. Basically everyone has to go through Traditions. Ive heard of returning cast members not have to go through traditions but its very rare and im not quite sure what the cercumstances are around that so expect to go to Traditions. You get paid to sit in basically a small presentation room and learn about the disney company.
Do yourself a favor and eat before you get there The food area is not going to be open and eatting a Kit Kat isnt exactly the most delicious and full filling meal. If you have ever had to experence not eatting you know that it is every hard to concentrate and Traditions is basically a fun time. There is another reason i suggest eatting before leaving. That is the parks once your done traditions you will have recieved your company id and that means you can go to any park you want any time. When your done with Traditions you basically are only interested in going to the parks which means you still havent eatten and you then have to buy food in the parks. Eat a little bit please.
I have a suggestion. Go to the park or resort you will be working at. If your working in Full Service go to your resturant if you working in merchadise go to your work location. Basically just to say hi to a manager or cordinator even a co worker. It will make your first day easier and show that your enthused about working their (which is what they want).
How do i know where i will be working though? Alright so your first day of check in your going to go to the casting building (i suggest bringing a camera. its really cool looking.) and do all the Human Resources things that you would do at any other company. Your going to walk up this very long hallway and go to a desk and their is a women or man sitting their they are going to tell you your actual location. You have probably already heard that active cast members can look it up. do this if you really want to but dont get your hopes up things is this company change quicker and you can imagine. This Person at this desk will give you the offical location. and on you go to alot of paperwork. a mountian of paperwork. Bring something to put it in otherwise you will lose your mind.
Alright so refocusing... Traditions is this class that is four hours long and the temperature in the rooms can be quiet chilly so bring a sweater or jacket to wear in case it is. Even though it is florida and you might be going through traditions in august just bring it... It cant hurt anyone.
Disney Look during Traditions: You have probably be briefed on the whole disney look and how important it to stick to during you employment with the walt disney company. There is one day that sticking to the Disney Look is probably more important that any other day... Traditions class. Dont Break any rules they will send you back to housing and you will only have to attend another traditions class where they will be even more strick on your attire. So just cave in and do whatever you need to get through the scary evauation of your traditions class.
Umm... I think thats is since i dont want to talk about the actual Traditions class.
Do yourself a favor and eat before you get there The food area is not going to be open and eatting a Kit Kat isnt exactly the most delicious and full filling meal. If you have ever had to experence not eatting you know that it is every hard to concentrate and Traditions is basically a fun time. There is another reason i suggest eatting before leaving. That is the parks once your done traditions you will have recieved your company id and that means you can go to any park you want any time. When your done with Traditions you basically are only interested in going to the parks which means you still havent eatten and you then have to buy food in the parks. Eat a little bit please.
I have a suggestion. Go to the park or resort you will be working at. If your working in Full Service go to your resturant if you working in merchadise go to your work location. Basically just to say hi to a manager or cordinator even a co worker. It will make your first day easier and show that your enthused about working their (which is what they want).
How do i know where i will be working though? Alright so your first day of check in your going to go to the casting building (i suggest bringing a camera. its really cool looking.) and do all the Human Resources things that you would do at any other company. Your going to walk up this very long hallway and go to a desk and their is a women or man sitting their they are going to tell you your actual location. You have probably already heard that active cast members can look it up. do this if you really want to but dont get your hopes up things is this company change quicker and you can imagine. This Person at this desk will give you the offical location. and on you go to alot of paperwork. a mountian of paperwork. Bring something to put it in otherwise you will lose your mind.
Alright so refocusing... Traditions is this class that is four hours long and the temperature in the rooms can be quiet chilly so bring a sweater or jacket to wear in case it is. Even though it is florida and you might be going through traditions in august just bring it... It cant hurt anyone.
Disney Look during Traditions: You have probably be briefed on the whole disney look and how important it to stick to during you employment with the walt disney company. There is one day that sticking to the Disney Look is probably more important that any other day... Traditions class. Dont Break any rules they will send you back to housing and you will only have to attend another traditions class where they will be even more strick on your attire. So just cave in and do whatever you need to get through the scary evauation of your traditions class.
Umm... I think thats is since i dont want to talk about the actual Traditions class.
Flying Down? or Driving Down?*
Are you flying down to orlando for you CP? or are you driving down? Not sure. well i can help you with tips for both.
Tip #1 - Travel Southwest Airlines. Southwest allows you to take 2 large bags free of charge. and each additional bag is a lot less than other airlines.
Tip #2 - bring a small duffel to bring on the plane. The Duffel is nice for when your in your hotel room and you realise that your toothbrush is "really at the bottom of your huge suitcase that you have packed perfectly" That way in the hotel room your basic needs stuff is not all over the place.
Tip #3 - If it is at all possible try and meet up with your roommate or someone you've met online at the airport. If they are driving that means that you dont have to worry about getting a bus to your hotel and if they are flying you can make the trip together. Either way you have a comrade in the hectic adventure that is Flying to Orlando and the whole check in process.
Tip #4 - Go to and create a site to store list. This will save your life because if you think walmart will have hangers they arent. and the store to have them delivered to is the one on vineland rd in kissimmee. (this is a life saver)
Tip #5 - If you dont have a car dont stay at a disney resort do what every other person who decided to fly is doing and stay at the Sunspree Hotel. There is a reason everyone does it.
Driving Down
Tip #1 - Dont drive from wherever to florida in the quickest amount of time possible. Take your time.
Tip #2 - Bring Music! Some part of the US can be very dull and when you dont have someone to talk to you need something to keep you going
Tip #3 - Pick up a fellow future Cast Member and have them split the cost of traveling down with you. This will save you money but may take a little more time than you expect but it gives you a driving compainion and it lets them bring some of the stuff they couldnt bring on an airplane. which means lest stuff you have to buy ing the long run. Just be prepared to let them have a little bit of space in your car and share the radio
Tip #4 - Dont expect to use your car all the time. The buses might be a little bit of a hassle if you have work at 530 in the morning but if you can use the buses you should use them (your rent helps pay for them you might as well use them.)
Tip #5 - Try and allot a good amount of time your first few days just for parking your car. Especially if you work at MK. but really anywhere.
I know i have more Tips but i just cant find it right this second so. Ill just leave it this:
Whatever you decide to do there are advantages and disadvantages to both situations but your not alone in whatever course of action you take everyone is pretty much going through the same wrestle of information you are.
Rainy Days
Sitting in Orlando,FL looking out the window of the living room window what do you expect to see. You dont expect anything unless you know what Florida weather is like. This is my tip of advice to you expect one of two things, really really sunny or really really rainy (usually with thunder and lighting involved.). So because it is raining i thought it might be a good decision to talk about rain gear on the college program. Seems sort of weird to carry an umbrella with you when its sunny out i know but Trust me on this one. get one of those umbrellas that end up being about 5 or 6 inches long it will save you life. so now im going to tell you some reasons for why you should have an umbrella...always. oh and here is another thing if your at work disney provides rain gear it is like every other piece of rain gear disney has. The only plus is they have rain wear pants. Which is a plus if you are wearing white pants like custodial or photopass and lots of other roles. But when your off and in the parks do yourself a favor.
1. Hollywood Studios Bus Location Drop Off and Pick-up is right before guest parking starts so if you are working or playing there bring an umbrella. I made this mistake one to many times. (I was really glad i didnt wear my cowboy boots like i had planed.)
2. Downtown Disney if you work their or play there the bus location is basically on the other side of the parking lot from the actually Downtown area. It is covered but you still have to walk there.
3. Magic Kingdom is probably the best park when it comes to providing cover during rainstorm unless your in the Hub, which if you dont know it is the area where the parades take the loop around and head to Liberty Square that circle right before Cinderella Castle. Yeah. Everywhere else you can basically find cover if you run fast enough. The bus from backstage to the parking lot drops you off at a covered area or weather you are driving or waiting for the bus back to property you can wait out the storm in a fairly dry location.
4. Epcot. Housing buses and buses that take you to your work location are both covered. so like the Magic Kingdom you can basically wait the storm out. Once you get off either bus your basically on your own so i would still bring an umbrella in case.
5. I dont know much about Animal Kingdom because i always went their with people who drove but I do know that as a cast member you enter the same way guest enter and if you have ever taken the walk into animal kingdom you know it is uncovered and a long way to cover so i would still bring an umbrella.
This is what i was told by some random cast member when i walked into the building going to traditions. Its going to rain. everyday! prepare yourself and if wear shoes that dry out easy and just change into your work shoes at your location. really good advice.
Now that it is not raining here in Jacksonville i guess this is a good time to end this post and enjoy the Florida Sun :)
Ps. i love rain. I think it is fun to play in and lots of other things but you dont want to be sitting on the bus going to work and suddenly see rain clouds and rain you cant see through and be left without an umbrella. This is also my other tip. If you work outside have more than one pair of shoes. You'll love me in the end.
1. Hollywood Studios Bus Location Drop Off and Pick-up is right before guest parking starts so if you are working or playing there bring an umbrella. I made this mistake one to many times. (I was really glad i didnt wear my cowboy boots like i had planed.)
2. Downtown Disney if you work their or play there the bus location is basically on the other side of the parking lot from the actually Downtown area. It is covered but you still have to walk there.
3. Magic Kingdom is probably the best park when it comes to providing cover during rainstorm unless your in the Hub, which if you dont know it is the area where the parades take the loop around and head to Liberty Square that circle right before Cinderella Castle. Yeah. Everywhere else you can basically find cover if you run fast enough. The bus from backstage to the parking lot drops you off at a covered area or weather you are driving or waiting for the bus back to property you can wait out the storm in a fairly dry location.
4. Epcot. Housing buses and buses that take you to your work location are both covered. so like the Magic Kingdom you can basically wait the storm out. Once you get off either bus your basically on your own so i would still bring an umbrella in case.
5. I dont know much about Animal Kingdom because i always went their with people who drove but I do know that as a cast member you enter the same way guest enter and if you have ever taken the walk into animal kingdom you know it is uncovered and a long way to cover so i would still bring an umbrella.
This is what i was told by some random cast member when i walked into the building going to traditions. Its going to rain. everyday! prepare yourself and if wear shoes that dry out easy and just change into your work shoes at your location. really good advice.
Now that it is not raining here in Jacksonville i guess this is a good time to end this post and enjoy the Florida Sun :)
Ps. i love rain. I think it is fun to play in and lots of other things but you dont want to be sitting on the bus going to work and suddenly see rain clouds and rain you cant see through and be left without an umbrella. This is also my other tip. If you work outside have more than one pair of shoes. You'll love me in the end.
So I was browsing the internet earlier today for photopass stuff since im on a strange mission to find all the magic shots & to find all the official photpass locations in the parks. I know where most of them are it just nice to know what the magic shots are that are typicially connected to each spot. I know you can pretty much do anything you want but their are official locations. Ill put the link right.... here . there are maps if you need visuals too. So yeah. I basically love photopass pictures. However I dont know if i would like to do it full time like during my CP. I thought there would be more to this posst wow i fail. Umm. The link can basically tell you everything you need to know. My Personal Favorites are 1. Mickey sitting next to you on a bench. 2. Minnie sitting next to you on a bench. 3.Balloons 4. Tinkerbell There are others i like alot but basically i could have a professional photoshoot done by disney people I would want one at each of the parks,except for Animal Kingdom, for different reasons. Hollywood Studios i think would be so much fun for classic Hollywood Shots like in Dark Jeans and a white Tshirt and cute Flats. Magic Kingdom I would want to be in jean shorts a white tshirt (with my name on it like in the mickey mouse club) and mickey ears with my name on the back and cowboy boots for flair. At Epcot i would want to have pictures taken around world showcase in a really pretty dress. I know i think about this stuff way to much. Oh well.
New Disney Blog:
How many blogs can a person create? Its only 2. and this one is pretty much all disney stuff so its not like you have to hear about everything else going on in my life. Cause who wants to hear about that. Strictly Disney. Disney News. Disney Updates. Disney College Program. Disney Vacations. Disney Pictures. Whatever Disney. My other blog is actually on tumblr so BAM! okay.
So this is the story behind why Im doing the College Program even though i just finished the careerstart program back in January. First off Im not planning on doing the college program until Fall 2011. So Its not like its right around the corner i basically have either 7 months until i would start or a year. So not really that soon. Secondly I had alot of pretty crappy stuff happen to me while i was on my first program that was out of anyones control and because of this situation I didnt get to experience my program to any sort of level i would have like too. I know it sucks because i had Disney World at my finger tips and didnt get to experience a lot of the magic that guest and cast members experience on their days off. Thirdly I was backstage in costuming and even though I really enjoyed Costuming i think that this time around i would like more guest interaction. (Quite possible a ton more). So those are the reason for wanting to do the college program again.
How many blogs can a person create? Its only 2. and this one is pretty much all disney stuff so its not like you have to hear about everything else going on in my life. Cause who wants to hear about that. Strictly Disney. Disney News. Disney Updates. Disney College Program. Disney Vacations. Disney Pictures. Whatever Disney. My other blog is actually on tumblr so BAM! okay.
So this is the story behind why Im doing the College Program even though i just finished the careerstart program back in January. First off Im not planning on doing the college program until Fall 2011. So Its not like its right around the corner i basically have either 7 months until i would start or a year. So not really that soon. Secondly I had alot of pretty crappy stuff happen to me while i was on my first program that was out of anyones control and because of this situation I didnt get to experience my program to any sort of level i would have like too. I know it sucks because i had Disney World at my finger tips and didnt get to experience a lot of the magic that guest and cast members experience on their days off. Thirdly I was backstage in costuming and even though I really enjoyed Costuming i think that this time around i would like more guest interaction. (Quite possible a ton more). So those are the reason for wanting to do the college program again.
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