Since i haven't written in a long time i thought i would write today about my top 7 favorite things to do in each park instead of all of property i though i would do each park since all 4 parks are very different and then I'll do a list of top 7 things outside of the parks on property i like to do. these are just 7 things. not really any particular order since its so hard to choose.
Magic Kingdom
Alright let me just start that the things i love about the magic kingdom is a really long list. Extremely long actually. How are you suppose to choose 7 things that explain why you love the magic kingdom? Its really tough so this list may not include you favorite things about the Magic Kingdom but let me just clarify now that they are not the only thing about the Magic Kingdom I love. Now that Ive said that here is the list.
1. The Teacups: I don't care if this ride make you want to throw up. If you around me i guess you'll just have to wait as i ride this. I ride this because its my favorite. Honestly i know its like your typical carnival ride that you can ride anywhere but i love it and so join me if you want if not enjoy waiting outside the gate. If you don't like it ill try to refrain from riding it more than 3 times but its amazing and I can resist it. Its like a force that pulls me deep into its center riding the pink cup.
3. The Blueline: alright so its raining? or your tired? or you just need a nice cool place to hang out. This is what the blueline is for. Seriously. The blueline is wonderful. Its covered and it gives you the perfect amount of time to wait for your group to get from fantasyland to you in tomorrowland. I love this ride because it has so many options. I was sad that i had to wait so long to ride it during my first program but once it opened it gave me a great option of wasting time. Try it!
4. Carousel of Progress: Its a great big beautiful tomorrow! This song could probably be one my theme songs. Leave me in the 1950's to look at the decor and some hidden snacks in my bag to go from starving while sitting there for 5-35 minutes that the COP can be stuck :)
5. Dapper Dans: Um have you watched the dapper Dans? if not do it. 'nuff said. lol
6. 3pm Parade: I cry. I laugh. I cheer. the music makes me happy and almost everyone is in it. I don't know if you watch the 3pm parade enough I'm sure it would get old but hang out where the parade stop for the Cinderella float happens. if nothing else you get entertained by the insanity that is the stepsister.
7. Cinderella's Carousel - this has been renamed. It doesn't matter. If you look directly though the castle from the HUB (the center of MK where the spokes spread from) you can see the carousel in all its loveliness.

yes i worked at Epcot. yes i spent a fairly good amount of time at Epcot. My biggest tip is to go through the International Gateway. Especially if you plan is to just go to world showcase. Umm.. So these are the 7 things i like about Epcot
1. Germany Pavilion: one word. STEIF! oh and snow. this is a really fun pavilion with some really neat things. like their christmas decorations and clocks and really cool german stuff. I know every pavilion has special things from each country but Germany does some real wonderful things to make their pavilion a little special. there is no ride. there is no preformaces. its just germany and for lacking in what might educate you about germany some how it still seems to win my heart over something like the Italian pavilion (which i only go into to look at the masquarade masks.) but there is lots of symbolisms in the paintings on the walls and of course it has snows wishing well. where you can meet snow.
2. France Pavilion: This is like the untimate pavilion i think. you have restaurants. you have shops (including a perfume shop). you have a bakery which has wonderful little snacks and entertainment. if you dont know what im refering to then check it out. this guy is pretty awesome. Um you can meet and greet with belle and beast, aurora and marie. There is alcohol available. There is a wonderful picturesque view inside the pavilion and in the path that travels around the World
3. club cool: awesome reactions. try all of the different type of products from around the world. Take a picture of your friends trying beverly. Its a great way to do something quick and free.
4. Test Track: defiantly not the thrill you expect but it has a pretty cool queue (say that 10 times fast jeez) line. You can fit 3 people across and for some reason i always look like i was snashed right unto a glass wall in this picture. maybe its cause i dont sit like that in cars and its just so damn awkward. But this is just really fun.
5. Voices of Liberty: Ive heard them practicing backstage and then in candlelight but i saw them for the first time in American adventure last trip and it was wonderful. After month and months of waiting i finally saw them and it was totally worth it. I will definalty go back when they are not referbishing the area where they sing.
6. Innoventions: Ive spend way to much time in Innoventions playing around. Didn't tell anyone just spent time in there because its so freaking fun. There is a whole buttload worth of stuff to keep you busy. Check it out. Especially if you are planning on spending 2 days at epcot or are on your CP then definalty chekc it out.. you have no excuse not to now. lol
7. Spaceship Earth: Judy Dench and a really cool adventure through history. tell me whats missing besides a snack stand. And this ride doesn't have a gift shop at the end :). Look at the girl in spandex. And the stars at the end are really nice and it helps with the awkward transitioning of going down a hill backwards. Umm also I would like to know how they fit all that stuff in the ball i mean i get its HUGE but thats alot of stuff. if you figure it out let me know cause i seriously dont understand.
I know its not detailed but you just have to experience them for yourself.

I love studios. Honestly if this could be turned into a town i would live in the apartment right at the intersection of Hollywood and Vine. (you know that funny triangle building that is actually a gift shop that's where i would live)
1. Tower of Terror: Ill stand in the queue sure. I have no problem with that Disney did a wonderful job with this ride. I defiantly give it a 5 start rating when it comes to its theme. The bell hops do an awesome job of getting you nervous about what is about to happen. I could never do this job i am to bubbly and do like to scare people. haha. I know but i dont think anyone who knows me thinks that i would do a good job at this... or the jungle cruise.
2. Rock n roller coaster: If you have experienced it you know. if not. do it wait the 235 minutes or whatever in the middle of July to do it! I dont like the huge launch but once your going its really neat. this is one of those rides that i would really enjoy to do with the lights on.
3. Street Performers: Spend a day watching all of them. You will laugh your pants off! seriously you think im joking the make me cry they are so funny. (see if catch it... WATER CHECK!). They are always around and everytime i make it my goal to watch them i learn about a new group of street performers. All of them are good. and usually are really good about giving signatures and what not.
4. Muppet's 3d Whatever its called: I love the bubbles and i love Mrs piggy. if you adore or even enjoy the Muppet's check this out. The 3d doesn't give me a headache so that's always a plus
5. GREAT MOVIE RIDE!: I love the movies. my favorite part is the Mary Poppins singing in the rain area. I want to do the backstage tour of this ride. there is only two parts of this ride i wish i could take out and replace... 1. the tarzan part and 2. the segorney weaver part. I think they are so stupid. but the rest of the ride is so good. I wish i could explain. The gangsters is really cheesy but so much fun. II cant fake that accent so i think ill stick to riding it :)
6. Sci-fi Dine-in: I want to work here so obviously it is one of my favorite. AHHH!!! so much fun
7. 50's Prime Time: Don't put you elbow on the table and order a Peanut Butter and Jelly Shake. The outfits are so much fun and then bar is one of those things that i wish i could replicate in my apartments and throw random 50's themed parties with Hollywood Costumes.

I have to go to class. But ill leave you with this for now. Enjoy ill add Animal Kingdom and Property Stuff Later :) oh & ill put more detail into Epcot and Hollywood Studios I just only had like 30 minutes to write up with entire entry so yea. 78 Days until Applications :)
Alright so im finishing my post now that its later and that math class was totally pointless cant it just be over and near application time? please?!? Anyways.
Animal Kingdom
1. Festival of the Lion King: Be a lion or an elephant. This is suck a fun show the monkeys are amazing and its one of the few shoes that they get the audience totally emersed (?) in the show. I fully recommend this show to anyone who decided to take on animal kingdom
2. Kilimanjaro Safari: the tour is sort of silly but the animals are really neat. I like looking at the elephants. (i love elephants if you cant tell. There was a baby elephant this summer and Its so much fun to see them do things like swimming and what not. All the animals are really neat and little kids love the story. I personally could do without it if the animals were still there. So i guess you could say its like jungle cruise without the funny humor and in a truck instead of a boat and real animals. Bahaha, okay so its not actually anything like jungle cruise but its more like jungle cruise then... Big thunder mountian in MK.
3. Kali River Rapids: I wish this ride were longer. But over all its actually a pretty fun ride. and if you dont pay attention to the possibility of getting wet you can learn alot too. weird that they would put that much education into a ride that no one is going to pay attention too. Oh well,I LIKE IT. :) *thumbs up*
4. The Birds: your probably like what? thats not a ride or a restuarantt or anything really. but watching the birds in this park is so much fun especially if you look on the bridges.I love standing on this bridge and getting really excited like i saw something and yelling "OH, (persons name) LOOK! LOOK! HURRY UP! and LOOK!" everyone gets so excited to see what you see. even though most of the time i just see a turtle or a really pretty flower. Its a nice laugh if nothing else.
5. The Bridges: There use to be a ride on all that water around animal kingdom. Its not there anymore but the greenary and everything on there bridges is really pretty. If you cant tell i just dont like alot of the rides and stuff at animal kingdom. Maybe i should spend more time there and then ill know more interesting stuff but no one weems to be able to tell me anything interesting that happens at animal kingdom.. so advice?
6. Bugs Life 3-D show: I like the big glasses and you get an awesome view of the tree of life. The crawlies always scared the shit out of me. But its a good one just go when their isnt a long line because youll SWEAT your butt off waiting and the show is good an all but not good enough to be that hot.
Im out :[ i cant think of anything else i like about animal kingdom. Thats not good. Maybe i really do need suggestions. I dont like everest besides that it has awesome views as your making your way up the huge hill. I dont like Dinosaur. I havent seen Nemo and well alright its decided i need to spend a day at animal kingdom and see what the big deal is. One day when it is cool of course since Animal Kingdom is beyond sticky.
BTW. I am not obsessed with the jungle cruise i just randomly mention in like 400 times in this post. i mean i like it. it has elephants in the ride and the skippers crack me up but yea.
finally outside of park stuff
my fingers are starting to hurt so im going to only list them.. and maybe another time ill go into detail.
1. Boardwalk: i think that the boardwalk is so much fun. with all its cute little colorful details. This is what i expect the boardwalk in atlantic city and ocean city new jersey are suppose to look like and did back in the 1930s. now they are kind of trashy-ish i mean they are cleanish and fun but just not at the same caliber as the boardwalk at disney
2. Grand Floridian: Spend a day here. Seriously. If your a girl do it in a pretty dress. if you a boy i wouldnt suggest the dress but wear attire that would would wear to a nice outting. Seriously you'll feel important. lol. I know that sounds crazy but the grand floridian makes me want to take my shoes of and dance with my eyes closed or spin in circles like cinderella changing into her ballgown thats what Grand floridian reminds me of.
3. Transportation (boats and monorail): I love disney transportantion. you meet soooo many people on transportation and its so much fun to talk to people and better than just driving and parking its park of the show. AWESOME!
4. Blizzard Beach: so i didnt get to enjoy this park as much as i hope but considering i was in the middle of dying i had a blast. i love lazy its a much more enjoyable way of tanning. lol. but yeah i totally suggest blizzard beach. typhoon lagoon is fun to for its wave pool but i just dont like when the wave comes and all these people go to body surf and then suft right into your lower stomach. OUCH!
6. Beaches at Deluxe Resorts: Resorts that have beaches include... grand floridian, polynesian, contemporary, fort wilderness, wilderness lodge, yacht and beach. Find a hammock, watch some fireworks maybe. they beaches are each very different but provide a wonderful experence. I prefer disney beaches more than the ocean beaches most of the time.
7. Downtown Disney: is the mall for cast members. you know when you 13 and you want to go and hang out with friends so you go to the mall. downtown disney is that mall for cast members. Beware you will probably spend much more than you expect.
finally outside of park stuff
my fingers are starting to hurt so im going to only list them.. and maybe another time ill go into detail.
1. Boardwalk: i think that the boardwalk is so much fun. with all its cute little colorful details. This is what i expect the boardwalk in atlantic city and ocean city new jersey are suppose to look like and did back in the 1930s. now they are kind of trashy-ish i mean they are cleanish and fun but just not at the same caliber as the boardwalk at disney
2. Grand Floridian: Spend a day here. Seriously. If your a girl do it in a pretty dress. if you a boy i wouldnt suggest the dress but wear attire that would would wear to a nice outting. Seriously you'll feel important. lol. I know that sounds crazy but the grand floridian makes me want to take my shoes of and dance with my eyes closed or spin in circles like cinderella changing into her ballgown thats what Grand floridian reminds me of.
3. Transportation (boats and monorail): I love disney transportantion. you meet soooo many people on transportation and its so much fun to talk to people and better than just driving and parking its park of the show. AWESOME!
4. Blizzard Beach: so i didnt get to enjoy this park as much as i hope but considering i was in the middle of dying i had a blast. i love lazy its a much more enjoyable way of tanning. lol. but yeah i totally suggest blizzard beach. typhoon lagoon is fun to for its wave pool but i just dont like when the wave comes and all these people go to body surf and then suft right into your lower stomach. OUCH!
6. Beaches at Deluxe Resorts: Resorts that have beaches include... grand floridian, polynesian, contemporary, fort wilderness, wilderness lodge, yacht and beach. Find a hammock, watch some fireworks maybe. they beaches are each very different but provide a wonderful experence. I prefer disney beaches more than the ocean beaches most of the time.
7. Downtown Disney: is the mall for cast members. you know when you 13 and you want to go and hang out with friends so you go to the mall. downtown disney is that mall for cast members. Beware you will probably spend much more than you expect.
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