
I got tagged

So lets see where this goes..

Jarvis [click here for his blog] tagged me.  and apparently the rules are to state 10 facts about yourself soo... here we go.

1.  I am obsessed with my birthday.
2.  I love car trips but I don't drive. I know I know. I lived in a city with sweet public transportation and when i moved i didn't see a point in getting my licence. I am working on it though.
3.  I can sing. Ive been in at least one choir, usually church, for a really long time. I will sing solos in church but when i get asked to sing i freeze up and it is just bad. I don't know why.
4. I can bend my thumb behind my pointer fingers knuckle... apparently this is weird.
5. I worked at a daycare after high school and if i hadn't moved to Jacksonville I would probably still work there. I loved it.
6. I waited two years to go to college to figure out what i wanted to do with my life.
7. I hate condiments. I don't touch them. i don't like the smell of them. i avoid touching the bottles of them. I really don't like them. I have broken down into tear before because of how much i dislike them
8. My favorite animal is an elephant. On safari i can skip everything but don't be driving past those elephants to fast!
9.  I  hate the feeling of sand between my toes once I'm off the beach. It drives me crazy. sand doesn't bother me if it is just sand and not really water like at the polynesian because your not allowed to swim in the lake but the ocean is to tempting and i my feet wet and then the awful sand follows.
10. I am a steak and potatoes kind of girl. I scared people sometimes how much steak i can eat. my mashed potatoes have to be right though.

alright so now for the other part of this game. I have to tag to people and if i am looking right i think i will go and tag

Chip Langlois  [here] && Katelyn Mckenzie [here]

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