
Traditions & Roles

Im not going to give you the speech of what happens in Traditions if you want that your either going to have to find someone else to do it or wait and experence Tranditions yourself. Basically everyone has to go through Traditions. Ive heard of returning cast members not have to go through traditions but its very rare and im not quite sure what the cercumstances are around that so expect to go to Traditions. You get paid to sit in basically a small presentation room and learn about the disney company.

Do yourself a favor and eat before you get there The food area is not going to be open and eatting a Kit Kat isnt exactly the most delicious and full filling meal. If you have ever had to experence not eatting you know that it is every hard to concentrate and Traditions is basically a fun time. There is another reason i suggest eatting before leaving. That is the parks once your done traditions you will have recieved your company id and that means you can go to any park you want any time. When your done with Traditions you basically are only interested in going to the parks which means you still havent eatten and you then have to buy food in the parks. Eat a little bit please.

I have a suggestion. Go to the park or resort you will be working at. If your working in Full Service go to your resturant if you working in merchadise go to your work location. Basically just to say hi to a manager or cordinator even a co worker. It will make your first day easier and show that your enthused about working their (which is what they want).

How do i know where i will be working though? Alright so your first day of check in your going to go to the casting building (i suggest bringing a camera. its really cool looking.) and do all the Human Resources things that you would do at any other company. Your going to walk up this very long hallway and go to a desk and their is a women or man sitting their they are going to tell you your actual location. You have probably already heard that active cast members can look it up. do this if you really want to but dont get your hopes up things is this company change quicker and you can imagine. This Person at this desk will give you the offical location. and on you go to alot of paperwork. a mountian of paperwork. Bring something to put it in otherwise you will lose your mind.

Alright so refocusing... Traditions is this class that is four hours long and the temperature in the rooms can be quiet chilly so bring a sweater or jacket to wear in case it is. Even though it is florida and you might be going through traditions in august just bring it... It cant hurt anyone.

Disney Look during Traditions: You have probably be briefed on the whole disney look and how important it to stick to during you employment with the walt disney company. There is one day that sticking to the Disney Look is probably more important that any other day... Traditions class. Dont Break any rules they will send you back to housing and you will only have to attend another traditions class where they will be even more strick on your attire. So just cave in and do whatever you need to get through the scary evauation of your traditions class.

Umm... I think thats is since i dont want to talk about the actual Traditions class.


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